2011年2月25日 学校訪問( School visit ) 

「姉妹校の訪問( Visit on the sisiter school )」



 そういう縁があってのんたちはホームステイをジョーンズ家で受け入れていただきました。最初に訪問させていただいたのが中学生の時。14 年前とのこと。当時ののんは精神的にも難しい時期で親からすると大変扱いにくい子どもでした。





Today I visited Cardinia International College, where Jones children go. This school is a sister school where our children attended, and the founder was his brother.

Education enthusiastic Jones sends his children to this school in spite of the heavy financial burden to ensure the best quality education in the neighborhood.

Non and Aya had a homestay with the Jones family. Non first visited when she was a junior high school student. 14 years ago. At that time, Non was a child who was very difficult to handle in terms of mental difficulty.

Non seems to have grown big after returning to Japan after the homestay with Jones’ family. Her mother, Sun, was very grateful for that. To be honest, her first homestay seemed to have a lot of things that didn’t seem right. When Non listens to other classmates, it seems that the host family took care of them in various ways. The Jones family’s acceptance as a true family member seems to be quite different. Non seemed to feel uncomfortable with that.

However, Non noticed Jones’s warmth later and revisited him to build a solid relationship. Knowing other family members could also give her an objective assessment of her own family, and seemed to have changed Non’s feelings for her family considerably. The homestay broadened her horizons and made her quite mature.

Non then went to Jones’ daughter’s wedding in Sydney, dressed in Japanese kimono, and visited Anekie’s home many times. She has suggested that we visit together to thank our Australian family before graduating from college and becoming a member of society. I was wondering whether to go because it was difficult to take a break from work, but my wife persuaded me to decide to visit.

As a result, I drastically visited the Jones family and thought it was really good. I felt that I could have a lifetime relationship. As the same parent, I could feel the couple very close. Of course, if I had more English skills, I would have been able to have even better exchanges. My desire to improve my English became stronger.



At the school commemorative auditorium. It was a wonderful auditorium.



The secretariat dispatched from Japan was very kind and guided us.



The school building was classic and very nice.


Emily の学校訪問と授業に参加
( Visit a school where Emily works and participate in classes. )

■その後にエミリーの勤務先の小学校を訪問しました。規模としては、とても小さな学校でした。先生方も合計で 10 名ほどでしたでしょうか。昼休みに職員室でお茶をごちそうになりました。私の前に座られた先生は、とても若くてチャーミングな女性でした。


We visited the elementary school where Emily works. It was a very small school. There were about 10 teachers in total. During the lunch break, we had a tea in the staff room. The teacher sitting in front of me was a very young and charming woman.

I talked desperately with you in my poor English.



 Emily が小学校の教諭として、今年就職しました。私たちが行くのを良いチャンスに日本のことを知ってもらおうと授業に参加してほしい、と依頼されました。

Emily got a job this year as a primary school teacher. We were asked to take a good chance to go and attend the class to get students to know about Japan.

 色々考えたのですが、Emily の意見で子ども達に質問をしてもらうことになりました。授業の感想は、思ったよりずっと秩序正しい、という印象でした。質問するときはきちんと手を上げ、さされてから質問を始めました。

The lesson style was based on Emily’s opinion, and the children asked us questions. The impression of the class was much more orderly than I thought. The students raised their hands when asking questions and started asking after being nominated.




 二クラス回りましたが、どのクラスも最後は鉄腕アトムの映画、「Astroboy 」を観ていました。


The children asked us various questions energetically. Some asked, “Is there a road in Japan?”, But students seem to be interested in Japanese eating habits, sumo wrestling, karate, and so on.

We went around two classes, but at the end of each class, the students watched Astroboy’s movie, “Astroboy”.

Emily was a very solid teacher. She looked like a different person from the one we see at Emily’s house.

