■20200527(水曜日:晴れ) Manufacturing

















I had set my alarm for 5:00 this morning with the intention of getting up, but as expected I didn’t have the energy to get up. I ran for an hour and a half on Sunday and then again yesterday, so today was a rest day.

The month of May will be over next Sunday and it can’t be long before this most refreshing season of the year is over. Every year, a month goes by with the same kind of feeling.

It’s already the rainy season in Okinawa, and in Southern Kyushu, the rainy season usually starts at the end of May. On my run this past Sunday, I found a small plum tree in the park with a small plum fruit. The rainy season is about to begin, and the fruits of the plum tree will gradually grow.

Since the beginning of this year, Sun and I have been drinking plum wine with bourbon. In addition, carbonated water and ice are added to the drink, which is quite good. It’s really little in terms of quantity, but I feel like it’s good for my body.

During the Lehman shock in 2008, I bought a car at the request of a friend who runs a company that manufactures automobile parts. It is a third generation Prius. It was time to change the car I was driving, so I bought a Prius, a hybrid car that was a hot topic at the time. I remember it took about 3 months from the time I ordered it to delivery. It was very popular.

It’s been a decade since then, but this time it was a coronal shock. The chairman of Toyota Motor Corp. expressed a sense of crisis as the company’s cars almost stopped selling.

I decided to buy a Subaru Impreza this time. Last year, I participated in the Jyoshu Ota Subaru Marathon with Taku. Ota City in Gunma Prefecture is the castle town of Subaru, and since it is in Gunma Prefecture that Taku took his first step as a lawyer and has been nurtured by the company, I would like to repay the debt, even if only a little, by purchasing a car.

Subaru is so popular in the United States that more than 60% of its sales are made in the United States. Although it’s not exactly selling well in Japan, with just over 10% of its sales in Japan, it has a lot of enthusiastic fans and is known as a “Suvarist.

I have no regard for cars at all, so the idea is that any car is fine as long as it gets the driver to his destination safely.

After driving a Prius for 10 years, I feel that it is a well-built car. The fuel economy is close to 20 km per liter, which is enough for someone like me who only rides twice a week and only needs to refuel once every two to three months. The run is quiet and I think it’s really well done.

I am impressed by the technological capabilities of the world’s Toyota in developing such a hybrid system. There is no doubt that the reason why similar systems cannot be followed by manufacturers around the world is that they are so difficult to develop and so elaborate. I think the decision to move to electric vehicles was made by the foreign powers who decided that they would not be able to catch up easily.

It doesn’t seem to me that electric cars will overtake cars with internal combustion engines, but technological innovation is progressing by the day. At the moment, the performance of the battery is holding them back, and electric vehicles have yet to become widely available to the public. Somewhere along the way, a technical breakthrough may be found. When that happens, it’s entirely possible that electric cars will take a big leap forward.

If electric vehicles, which are simpler in construction and require fewer parts, become commonplace, this will be a major negative for Japanese manufacturing. I can understand that the manufacturing industry is the backbone of Japan, but in today’s mature country, the share of manufacturing has declined dramatically.

It’s not manufacturing anymore that many workers engage in. Isn’t the biggest challenge of a post-corona society to create a society in which more people can enjoy the happiness of a very ordinary person?