■20200901(火曜日:曇) As a comedy






この間に世界は凄まじい勢いで変わっていたのです。新型コロナウイルスが世界を覆い、どこの国も対処に苦慮していたのですが、感染者数の統計を FAX を元に手作業で行なっていた先進国は日本だけかもしれません。









As a comedy

Well, today is September, and with only four months left in the year 2020, two-thirds of the year is over, and with the birth of our first grandchild in January and the Tokyo Olympics, it was supposed to be a very rosy year, but in reality, it turned out to be a complete reversal of expectations. Fortunately, my grandson is doing well and growing up quickly, but our society is in turmoil.

On August 28, Abe resigned, another surprise, and as of September 1, his successor has not yet been chosen. I remember those days when Prime Minister Obuchi died of a sudden illness.

History repeats itself. The first time as a tragedy and the second time as a comedy.

It seems to me that this is exactly what happened.

We need to sum up the less than eight years of the Abe administration. If you watch the TV programs that pick up the voices of the city and others, some people cite the fact that things have remained the same as “good to be stable” as a golden opportunity to make a great point.

The world was changing at a tremendous rate during this time. The new coronavirus covered the world and every country was struggling to cope with it, but Japan may be the only developed country that was manually compiling statistics on the number of infected people based on faxes.

Unbeknownst to us, Japan has become one of the laggards among the developed countries. The new coronavirus threw cold water on the people of Japan, who thought they were the most advanced nation in Asia. The symbol of this was the two Abenomask sheets.

It wasn’t the start of a particularly foolish policy to counter the new coronavirus. We had been dealing with it in the same way before that. It simply didn’t get ripped off. Many voters were completely oblivious to this and believed the media’s praise of Abe. It’s really a horrible thing.

In hindsight, there are many times when I look back on history and wonder what a foolish thing we did, but at the time, most of the people supported it.

So if we don’t always ask ourselves if this is the right thing to do, then our society as a whole is going in a terrible direction. Conservatism is an attitude of constantly asking oneself whether this is the right thing to do.

Taro Yamamoto shouted to LDP members in the Diet, “That’s not conservatism, that’s self-defense” and he hit the bull’s eye.

In less than eight years, the quality of the Japanese people has really deteriorated. Hate speech is a prime example.

Each and every one of us must take this situation seriously, face our own hearts, and change the future of our country.

Now that Prime Minister Abe has resigned, this is the last chance we have.