■20200904(金曜日:晴れ) Muscle strength


■今朝は走りました。いつものコースを7.19 km 走り、これで今月は2回のランで14.37 km を積み重ね、残り26日で85.63 km のところまで来ました。 平均ペースはキロ7分29秒ですので決して早くはありませんが、きちんと走りきった充実感はありました。

昨日は終日雨模様で、Sun と二人で日帰り温泉に行こうと計画していたのですが、強い雨足のために結局やめることにしました。週末に出かけることに変更です。台風9号の影響です。





それでも何とか目標の月100 km 走を達成し、昨年12月に途絶えた連続記録も、1月から続けて達成することができています。

この目標は自分にとって毎日を律する大きなタガになっています。 もうやめてしまおうと思うのは簡単ですが、そうなると何もかにもすることが面倒になってしまい、あっという間に衰えてしまうに違いありません。

先週末は軽井沢でゴルフをしましたが家路に向かう途中、駅の階段を登る際にバッグがとても重く感じて往生しました。階段を上るのが大変だと感じたことは何度もありましたがバックが重く感じられたのは初めてでした。上半身の筋力が 低下している証(あかし)かもしれません。


Muscle strength

I ran this morning. I ran 7.19 km on my usual course, which brings me to 85.63 km with 26 days to go, having accumulated 14.37 km in two runs this month. My average pace is 7 minutes and 29 seconds per kilometer, so it’s not fast, but I feel a sense of satisfaction that I’ve completed the run.

It was raining all day yesterday and Sun and I were planning to go for a day trip to a hot spring, but we decided against it due to the strong rainfall. This was due to typhoon 9. We decided to go out for a day trip to the hot spring this weekend.

However, the typhoon No. 10 is coming soon. It seems to be a huge and powerful typhoon, and there are fears that it will be a repeat of Typhoon Ise Bay which made landfall on September 2, 1959 and caused record damage.

As a result of typhoon No. 9, temperatures rose over the Sea of Japan on September 3, with Sanjo City in Niigata Prefecture recording 40.4 degrees Celsius. This is the first time in recorded history that the temperature was in the 40s in September. This is due to the so-called “fane phenomenon”.

Once the rainy season ended, however, it was extremely hot every day. One after another, people died of heat stroke. And in the blink of an eye, we’re worrying about typhoons. It really feels like the climate has swung from one extreme to another.

In July, it rained almost every day, and I had a hard time achieving my goal because there were few early morning opportunities to run. In August, however, the heat wave was so intense that long runs, even early mornings, quickly gave me the feeling that I was going to suffer from heat stroke. In both cases, I was walking a tightrope every day, and I was in danger of not achieving my goal.

Nevertheless, I managed to achieve my goal of running 100 km a month and I have been able to continue to achieve the record since January, when I lost it last December.

This goal has been a big part of my daily discipline. It would be easy to think of quitting now, but then everything I do becomes a chore and I’m sure my muscle strength will fade away in no time.

Last weekend I played golf in Karuizawa, but on the way home, I got stuck with a bag that felt very heavy when climbing the stairs at the station. I’ve had many times when I’ve felt like it’s hard to climb the stairs, but this was the first time my bag felt heavy. Maybe it’s a sign that my upper body muscles are getting weaker.

The lower half of my body has been working out by running, but I haven’t done any upper body strength training. I do some swinging with a golf club, but that doesn’t seem to be enough to compensate for my decline. There’s no point in getting impatient. The only thing I can do is to change my training little by little.