■20200911(金曜日:晴れ) Kakkon-to




体がだるい上に全身の皮膚がとても過敏になっている状態です。 少しの風でも体に当たるとピリピリするような刺激感があり、それでいて汗もかくといった一見矛盾するような体調なのです。体温を測ってみると熱はありません。


そのおかげでしょうか、昨夜はぐっすりと眠れましたし、今朝起きてみると昨日のようなだるさやピリピリ感も消失しています。 このまま体調が戻ってくれれば良いのですが。




安倍総理は次々と7年余りの間に打ち出した政策目標は、結局ほとんど実現されることなく、 総括も反省もなく次から次へと目新しい看板を掛け替えていただけなのです。その間に間違いなく日本は劣化し貧しくなってしまいました。





I had a good rest this morning. Yesterday, I attended the Rotary Club meeting at lunchtime and then went home when it started to rain.

I wasn’t feeling well, and I couldn’t get rid of the sluggishness that I felt just like the beginning of a cold. I tried to rest, but I didn’t feel any better until the night came.

My body was not only sluggish, but also my skin was very sensitive. When even a slight breeze hits my body, I feel a tingling sensation, and at the same time, I sweat, which seems to be a contradiction in terms. When I take my temperature, I don’t have a fever.

In the end, I took three bags of “Kakkon-to for the first cold” which Non recommended before I went to bed.

Thanks to that, I slept well last night, and my tiredness and tingling sensation are gone this morning when I woke up. I hope my condition will return to normal.

Yesterday, an election was held to elect a new joint party representative and Yukio Edano, the president of the Rikken Democrat Party, was elected as the first representative. The party started with 149 members of the Diet. The party’s name was also decided as the Rikken Democrat Party.

Looking back on the seven years and eight months of the Abe administration, the biggest reason may be the lack of a strong opposition party, but it was marked by arrogant management of the Diet, where only catchphrases danced around the issue and the party repeatedly pushed the issue through the power of numbers.

Real income of the people has decreased and many people are now poor. Abe brags about adding jobs, but most of them are temporary jobs.

All the policy goals that PM Abe announced in the past 7 years or so have hardly been realized, and he has simply replaced one sign after another without summing up or reflecting on his policies. In the meantime, there is no doubt that Japan has deteriorated and become poor.

There is no doubt that the opposition party is largely responsible for failing to stop this.

The spread of the new coronavirus is about to change our society in a big way. Some say that even capitalism, a system we take for granted, is being forced to stand at the last minute.

We don’t want to live in a society where the people in the city who live their lives seriously suffer. The responsibility of politics is truly great.