I ran this morning. And I did LSD for the first time in a long time. In other words, you can run slowly for as long a time as possible, called the Long Slow Distance. I woke up at 5 am this morning and was able to get ready without a hitch.
I ended up running 2 hours, 16 minutes and 51 seconds and was able to accumulate 17.73 km. Along the way, I felt pain in my right knee and then the inside of my left thigh, so I had to do some bending exercises about four times. Still, this was just enough time to finish running a half marathon, so I was very happy that I was able to keep running no matter what.
The Chitose JAL international marathon on June 7th, which I was looking forward to, was cancelled because of the problem of the new type coronavirus infection, and I lost my enthusiasm. The goal has disappeared.
This morning it was just right, not too hot, not too cold. It’s a little before 9 o’clock now, but the wind seems to be picking up. However, during the time I was running, there was not much wind and it was very crisp blue sky and air and I am glad I took the plunge and tried LSD.
I’ve now accumulated 92.34km in 12 runs this month and have 7.65km with 4 days left to run 100km a month. I think I’ll be able to achieve my goal.
It was the Sunday before the big holiday season, and the whole country had been asked to refrain from going out, so I didn’t pass many cars this morning, even as I was running. Of course, there was a fair amount of traffic on Bypass 1, but compared to what we usually see, it’s a lot less.
According to a TV report yesterday, there were two times on the Tokaido Shinkansen that the free seat occupancy rate was 0%. Isn’t this the first time since the Tokaido Shinkansen began operating?
In a similar program, a scene at the Shibuya intersection was shown, which seemed to me like a fictional image created by computer graphics. It felt like a strange image, as if something had been attached to it. The streets are really sparsely populated. But it’s real.
In this morning’s TV program, some experts commented on the voluntary restraint of pachinko parlors. There are many statements that it is inexcusable that they don’t comply with requests, and they are called unpatriotic. However, I found myself wondering somewhat.
I feel that they are deliberately hiding important things while making a mockery of pachinko parlors. When the press starts hanging someone or something up, it’s often correct to think that it’s trying to cover something up.
We’ve been ripped off a lot. We are still being duped.
In the general election when Prime Minister Koizumi questioned postal privatization, he asked, “Can’t post office workers be civil servants? He appealed to the public and won a great deal of sympathy. But Prime Minister Koizumi’s real goal was not the employees of the post office, but how to get our precious postal savings to the United States.
We are merely fooled by our blindness. We are still making the same mistakes over and over again. It’s apparently true that Agriculture, Forestry and Postal Savings are buying up mountains of American scum-like bonds.
How much of the nation’s wealth will be lost as a result of the financial collapse brought about by the coronavirus crisis? They are simply being sucked into the dumps by America’s greedy credit and financial system.
They are still doing the same thing, even though they lost orders of magnitude during the Lehman shock in 2008. When is the Japanese people going to wake up? Those who say they are for the sake of the Japanese, but are actually running the country like dogs on Wall Street in the US.
Japan is really a colony. There will be no real independence of Japan unless we get out of it.
After the collapse of American unipolar rule, we must think for ourselves, seriously consider how we will live in Asia and in the world, and build our future.
■いよいよ平成30年も明日一日を残すのみとなりました。昨日で仕事も終わりましたので、今日はゆっくりと休んでも良かったのですが、月100 km 走の目標がまだ達成されていませんので、今朝は走りました。 目標達成まで10 km 強残っていましたので、今朝は6時に目覚ましをかけて起きだし、6時半から走り始めました。この時間になれば明るくなり始めますので、ペンライトを持たずに安心して走ることができます。普段ですと仕事の関係で、この時間のスタートでは安心してゆっくり走ることができませんが、今日はもう仕事はありませんので、のんびりとゆっくりとペースを刻みました。結局12.47 km を走り総計が102.26 km となりました。 これで46ヶ月間連続月100 km 走を達成したことになります。統計を取り始めてからの走行距離が、通算7,596 km となりました。今年も無事に一年間しっかりと目標を達成することができたことを、とても嬉しく思っています。
ネット上での集計を見てみると、今年は180回、通算1246.04 km を走りました。最も多く走ったのが3月で、107.71 km。 最も少なかったのが2月で、目標ギリギリの100.64 km でした。 1年間にわたってしっかりとした統計を取り始めたのが、2015年からですか、この四年間の統計を見てみると、最も多く走ったのが昨年2017年の1357.33 km です。 こうして統計を見てみると、今年は昨年よりも少なかったことがわかります。今年はTakuが仕事について時間が取れずに、一緒にマラソンに参加することが昨年のようにはできませんでした。昨年は千歳マラソン、立川シティマラソン、そしてお伊勢さんマラソンと3回一緒に走ることができましたが、今年はお伊勢さんマラソンの一回だけでした。これは致し方ありません。私自身も参加したマラソンは、千歳マラソンとお伊勢さんマラソンの2回だけでした。残念ながらフルマラソンは一度も参加することができませんでした。高野コーチと一緒に走るのを本当に楽しみにしていたのですが、残念ながら私の今の実力では、一緒にフルマラソンを走るのは、なかなか難しそうです。