ようこそ! Nago 家のサイトへ 2025
I would like to live like well water at any time.
The photo was taken in Atami Hatushima in 2023.
■ 2025 年の活動 ■
(最終更新日時 2025 年 02 月 18 日)
(2018/09/03 画面を一新:2025 年版)
01 2025 台湾での正月 | |
02 2025 Maldives の旅 | |
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今では三人の子ども達は大学を卒業し自立しましたが、残念ながら、父は2014 年 01 月 28 日、そして母は 2015 年 12 月 31 日に旅立ちました。
2024 年が我が家にとっても、そして世界にとっても平和な年となることを心から願っています。
The photo was taken on March 22, 2010. It is the last photo of the
family visiting the grandparents in Tsujido. My father was 87 years
old, and my mother was 84 years old at the time.
Now, all three of our children have graduated from college and become
independent, but unfortunately, my father passed away on January 28,
2014, and my mother on December 31, 2015.
I strongly feel that life and death are not separate but that death
exists within life.
I sincerely hope that 2024 will be a peaceful year for our family and
for the world.
(translated by ChatGPT)
「「 我が家の活動の記録です 」」
我が家の五名、suke、sun、non、taku、aya の活動記録です。子ども達三人は、すでに家を離れていますので、夫婦二人の生活ですが、家族が仲良く、そしてそれぞれが夢を持って健康で生きていけること。それが夫婦二人の何よりの幸せと思っています。
My family consists of five members: Suke, Sun, Non, Taku, and Aya.
This is a record of our activities. Our three children have already
left home, so it is just the two of us, but our happiness comes from
our family getting along and each of us living healthily with our
dreams. I believe that keeping a record is proof of living, and I want
to continue to do so as long as I live. I think that this record is
one of the few important legacies that our children can receive.
In June 2017, we moved our homepage to WordPress. I am still not used
to it, but I am studying to make it more sophisticated little by
little. I believe that it will be helpful. For now, I updated the
cover design on New Year’s Day.
(translated by ChatGPT)
I would like to be well water at any time
People can only live in society. Because you can only live between people and people, you are a human being.
As a result, humans continue to be mad at various circumstances. That is why people should have a belief to protect, and in any situation, that alone should not be handed over.
Well water is said to be cold in the summer and warm in the winter, but in reality it is rarely changing the temperature throughout the year. I am also adapting to changes in the surroundings, but I always want to protect myself constantly.
美しき ことも無き日を美しく すみなすものは 心なりけり
It is an imitation of Takasugi Shinsaku and Yoshikibura. Everyday life that seemingly looks monotonous. It is impossible for ordinary men to walk a path like Basho that Yoshiro Buson admired. There is no choice but to live in the framework of the family and other people.
As I see in Busan’s haiku every day, I hope that I will live without losing my heart’s demand for beauty while being covered in society.
WhenⅠgo out of the gate,
I also am a traveller,
in the autumn evening.
「「「 2025 年 今年もこれです! 」」」
■ 二人の愛言葉 ■
Sunが韓流ドラマに夢中なことを、これまで冷ややかに見ていた私 Sukeも、2012 年に韓国ドラマ「不屈の嫁」にハマりました。そして何度も繰り返しみていると、いくつかの表現を自然と覚えることができます。一番大切な言葉は、ありがとう(カムサハムニダ)。
今日も一日、カムサハムニダ( 감사합니다 )
(●^o^●) (●^o^●)
SUKE who had been watching coldly so far that SUN is crazy about Korean drama also hooked on the Korean drama “Unbelievable Bride” in 2012. And repeatedly watching over and over, you can learn some expressions naturally. The most important word is Thank you (Cam Sahamnida).
Before going to bed this year, I definitely will end the day by saying like this.
Today, Camsha Hamnida (감사 합니다)
Well then, with this, Oyasumida
(● ^ o ^ ●) (● ^ o ^ ●)
■ In November 2014, I visited Midori’s house with Sun, Non, Aya. I enjoyed the delicious fish in Toyama. It was a fun holiday.
This picture was taken by Non. Both Non and Aya became beautiful ladies. We stayed at Shogawa gorge hot spring village recommended by them.