■20200714(火曜日:雨) A invisible chisel








われわれは1日24時間何を思い何を語り、どう行為したか、他人に見られようが見られまいが、やったという、思ったという事実は事実として、一点のごまかしもなく、見えない 鑿(のみ)となって、私という人格を刻み続ける。



A invisible chisel

I took a rest this morning without running. It has been raining since morning. Looking at the weather forecast on TV, it was mostly rainy every day last week. It seems that the rain will increase from now on, mainly in Kyushu. If it rains this much, disaster will occur. I have to think that Japan is really a disaster archipelago.

Today is the school checkup from the afternoon. School screening was postponed due to the spread of new coronavirus infection. Normally, it must be completed by June, but this year, school checkups are being conducted from the beginning of July.

Fortunately, the infection has not spread so much in Shizuoka, so I don’t think it is necessary to be extremely nervous. I have a face shield, gloves and alcohol disinfection, but what about in Tokyo? Students, faculty members, and doctors who perform screening should be very nervous.

■ By the way, the Tokyo Shimbun “Words of the Week” featured Soetsu Yanagi’s words “Now Yorina Kini, Kokoniso Arni”. It is written by Shunto Aoyama, the head of the Aichi specialized nun. He gives a clear explanation of what I always think.

In other words, I strongly agree with the content. With 100 people, there are 100 different lives, so it cannot be said which is right and which is wrong.

But one thing I can say is that I am here today is the result of my life so far, and tomorrow I am the result of today I am here today. Aoyama says:

Whether it’s seen by others or not, we continue to carve what we think, what we say, and how we act 24 hours a day in my personality as a invisible chisel.

30 years is 30 years, 50 years is 50 years, 80 years is 80 years. The figure of the total settlement is what I am today. It is not beautiful without wrinkles or gray hair. Each wrinkle and gray hair shines through how you lived “now”.

Indeed it must be. So life is both beautiful and terrifying.