■20200829(土曜日:晴れ) The watershed moment


■今朝はゆっくりと休みました。月間100 km 走の目標達成のためにはあと12 km 走らなければなりません。実際走るのは早朝だけですので、となるとチャンスは今朝も含めて3回しかありません。

今日は仕事が終わってから電車を乗り継いで高崎まで行く予定です。明日はTakuの仕事先の所長である高橋先生とゴルフをする予定ですので、実質残されたチャンスは今朝と31日月曜日の朝だけでした。 決断しなければなりません。そして今朝は走りませんでした。


■さて昨夜は安倍首相が退陣表明をしました。持病の悪化を理由に挙げられていますが、テレビで拝見した様子では、まだまだ 仕事を続けられるように見えたのですが、どうなのでしょうか。もちろん様々な解釈や憶測が飛び交っていますが、私には以下の解釈が最も的を得ているのではないかと感じています。 

田中宇の国際ニュース解説 無料版 2020年8月28日 http://tanakanews.com/




首相辞任の本当の理由は、私にも病気とは思えません。 田中宇さんの上記の分析を読むと、良きにつけ悪きにつけ、日本にとって一番大きな力というのはアメリカなのだということに改めて気づくのです。

戦後75年という節目の年に安倍首相が辞任したのも歴史の皮肉かもしれません。 アメリカに敗北し冷戦という国際的な枠組みの中で、アメリカの庇護のもと自分の頭で考えることを放棄し、外交などしないことが外交であった日本の戦後に終止符が打たれるかもしれません。

安倍政権の7年余りの時を経て、日本は国際的にはすっかり落ちぶれてしまいました。 その間に経済的にも軍事的にも中国は巨大化しました。いざとなればアメリカが中国を潰してくれるだろうと、未だに考えている人々もいるようですが、冷静に考えればありえないことです。神風を期待するようなものです。


The watershed moment

I had a good rest this morning. I have 12km to go to achieve my 100km/month goal. In fact, I only run early in the morning, which means that I have only 3 chances to do so, including this morning.

Today I’m going to take the train to Takasaki after work. Tomorrow I’m going to play golf with Mr. Takahashi, the head of Taku’s workplace, so my only real chances are this morning and Monday morning, the 31st. I had to make a decision. And I didn’t run this morning.

And I didn’t run this morning, because I had a dinner with Takahashi tonight, and I couldn’t afford to be sick, just in case.

Last night, Prime Minister Abe announced his resignation. Last night, Prime Minister Abe announced his resignation from office, citing worsening chronic illnesses as the reason, but from what I saw on TV, it looked like he could still continue working. Of course, there are many interpretations and speculations, but I feel that the following interpretation may be the most spot-on.

International News Commentary by Tanaka Sakai Free Edition August 28, 2020 http://tanakanews.com/

*Trump’s abandonment of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty in the background of Abe’s resignation?

 In his second term, Trump is likely to embody the withdrawal of US troops from Japan and South Korea. It is possible that Trump has already grown cold feet to Abe. If the Japanese side tries to keep U.S. troops back, they will be nasty to Trump. Since Trump is a hardcore hegemonic renegade and hidden multipolarist, it is impossible to stop the withdrawal of US troops from Japan and South Korea, which would turn Trump on his head.

Abe has decided to quit at the right time before that, rather than get nasty and less popular from Trump to try to stall future US troop withdrawals. I also get the feeling that he decided to make up a story about quitting because of his illness, and he went to the hospital for a number of tests and stayed in the hospital for hours to act out his illness.

The real reason for the resignation of the Prime Minister doesn’t seem to me to be illness either.The above analysis by Tanaka Sakai reminds us once again that, for better or worse, the greatest power in Japan is the United States.

Perhaps it is an irony of history that Prime Minister Abe’s resignation comes on the 75th anniversary of the end of the war. After Japan’s defeat by the United States and within the international framework of the Cold War, Japan abandoned its ability to think for itself under the patronage of the United States, and its diplomacy, which consisted of not engaging in diplomacy, may now be brought to an end.

After more than seven years of Abe’s administration, Japan has fallen into a complete decline in the international arena. In the meantime, China has become a giant in terms of both economic and military power. Some people still seem to think that the United States will crush China if the need arises, but this is unthinkable in a calm manner. It’s like hoping for a kamikaze.

The time has come for post-war Japan, which has survived like a fox borrowing the power of the tiger, to face the stormy waters with its own wisdom and courage. It seems to me that the watershed moment will be Prime Minister Abe’s resignation.