■20200819(水曜日:晴れ) Vegan


■今朝は走らずにゆっくりと休みました。昨日の朝いつもの道を6 km超を走りましたが、やはり高い気温と蒸し暑さの中で走るのは体には負担が大きいようです。食欲がすっかり落ちてしまいました。



今こうして入力しているのは7時半少し前ですが、ここ数日の暑さに比較すれば、それでもむしろ過ごしやすいとすら感じます。二日前が暑さのピークでしたでしょうか。 あの時は、ただじっとしてパソコンを見ているだけでも、汗が自然と滲んで来ました。とても空調なしでは長時間の作業は出来ませんでした。それに比較すれば今朝はずっと楽です。


日本の平均的な生活で出る一年間の温室効果ガスの量は、一人当たり co2換算で7.6 トン。 ガソリンの使用量で置き換えると3,270リットルあまり。40 リットル 入る車を4、5日ごとに満タンにできる量です。







厚生労働省などの調査によると、1日に必要とされる野菜の摂取量は成人で350 グラム ですが、日本ではどの世代でも不足しているようです。「健康的な食生活は地球の健康にもつながる」とグリンピースの関根彩子さんは話されています。





I took a good rest and did not run this morning. I ran more than 6 km yesterday morning on my usual route, but it still seems to be hard on my body to run in the high temperature and heat and humidity. My appetite has been completely depleted.

This morning I woke up at 6:00 a.m., got up, carried the plastic trash into place, picked up the newspaper and went back home. As I read the paper, I thought about what to eat, but in the end all I had for breakfast was a cup of coffee and a yogurt.

My stomach isn’t particularly sick, but I don’t feel like eating. In other words, I’m losing my appetite.

It’s a little before 7:30 as I type, but compared to the heat of the last few days, it’s still rather comfortable. I think the heat was at its peak two days ago. At that time, just sitting still and looking at the computer made me sweat naturally. It was impossible to work for a long time without air conditioning. Compared to that, it’s much easier this morning.

In this morning’s edition of the Tokyo Shimbun’s “Global Changes” column, I read an article titled “What Greenhouse Gases Are Emitted in Our Lives? The article is entitled “The Future of Global Warming”. The subtitle is “Global Warming (4)”.

The annual greenhouse gas emissions from an average Japanese person’s life are 7.6 tons of CO2 per capita, which is equivalent to 3,270 liters of gasoline. That’s enough to fill up a 40-liter car every four or five days.

Looking at the contents of the 7.6 tonnes, it is surprisingly large: 30% of it comes from housing-related activities such as electricity in the house, 20% comes from transportation by car, and 20% comes from eating habits.

Looking at this dietary breakdown, meat consumption is the highest at 23%, with dairy products at 13%. Although all of these products are eaten in small quantities, the livestock industry has higher emissions through the cultivation of feed, manure disposal, and burping of cows that emit methane, a greenhouse gas.

It is estimated that if we change our diets and switch to a diet based on vegetables, dairy products and eggs without any meat, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 0.3 tons per person per year, which is several times more effective than the reduction of food waste.

Changing your diet is not easy, but some people are working on it. These include eating less meat and practicing a vegan “full vegan” diet without meat or dairy products. In Europe and the United States, there are restaurants and supermarkets that specialize in this practice, and it is spreading.

Greenpeace, an international environmental organization, has called for the practice of “Les Meats” to reduce meat consumption by 50% worldwide by 2050. The world as a whole is growing in population and meat consumption is increasing. Deforestation is increasing due to the availability of land for grazing and growing grain to feed livestock.

There is also a movement to rethink the diet in France, including a 2018 pilot law that will make school lunches a vegetarian meal once a week. This is France, indeed.

According to research by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and others, adults need 350 grams of vegetables per day, but all generations in Japan seem to be deficient in this regard. A healthy diet is good for the health of the planet,” says Ayako Sekine of Greenpeace.

More and more restaurants in Japan are starting to serve vegan food. On Vegewell, a search site for vegan restaurants and other services, the number of restaurants specializing in vegan food has increased every year and now stands at about 360.

The number of companies in the U.S. producing meat alternatives made from soy and other sources that do not use beef has grown significantly. Even major hamburger chains are taking steps to do so.

Good tasting beef should be a treat for everyone, but if a healthy diet can also help preserve the environment, the challenge is to get better at incorporating alternative foods into our diet.