■20200825(火曜日:曇) Death from heat stroke


■今朝は走るつもりで4時半に目覚ましをかけていたのですが、やはり起きだす元気がありませんでした。週の初めにあたり昨日の朝10 km 弱を走り、100 km 走に向かって最初の積み重ねをしたのですが、さすがに疲れました。今月も残り少なくなってきましたので、あとは時間との戦いです。

暑さの方は峠を越え、朝晩はだいぶ楽になってきました。日中は冷房なしではとても過ごせない気温なのですが、日没とともに蝉の声が虫の声に変わりつつあります。今週末には群馬県に出かけなければならず、 走り込みをすることができませんので、やりくりはとても窮屈になってきました。なんとか切り抜けるしかありません。

■今朝の東京新聞には23区熱中症死  170人 と見出しが打たれています。東京23区内で8月に熱中症で死亡した人が24日までに、統計が残る2007年以降の8月の死者としては過去最多となる170人に上ったことが、都監察医務院への取材で判明したとあるのです。

8月に死者が増えた理由について、医務院担当者は「長梅雨で7月は平年より気温が低かった。体が暑さに慣れていないのに、8月に入って猛暑日が続いたことが影響しているのではないか」と語っています。 さらに発熱や倦怠感といった症状が酷似している新型コロナウイルスの流行が続いているため、手当の際には特に注意が必要だとも言われています。




1年間を通して暮らしてみると、旅行者として訪れるような、そんなのんきな感想だけでは済まないことはもちろん承知しています。 それでも機会があれば可能な限り何度でも訪れようと、いつもふたりで話をしています。

Death from heat stroke

I set my alarm at 4.30am with the intention of running this morning, but I still didn’t have the energy to get up. I ran a little less than 10 km yesterday morning to start the week and did my first build up to a 100 km run, but I’m tired indeed. The rest of the month is running out and I am just waiting for the time to come.

The heat is over the pass and the mornings and evenings have become more comfortable. It is impossible to live without air conditioning during the daytime, but the cicadas’ voices are changing to the sounds of insects as the sun goes down. I have to go out to Gunma this weekend and I can’t run in, so it’s getting very tight to make ends meet. I will have to make it through by myself.

This morning’s Tokyo Shimbun carried the headline “170 people die of heat stroke in 23 wards of Tokyo”. The number of people who died of heat stroke in Tokyo’s 23 wards in August rose to 170 as of August 24th, the highest number of deaths ever since 2007, according to an interview with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Inspectorate.

As for the reason for the increase in deaths in August, the person in charge of the medical office said, “The temperature in July was cooler than normal due to the long rainy season. The long rainy season and lower-than-normal temperatures in July may have had an effect on the number of deaths in August, when people’s bodies aren’t used to the heat,” said the doctor’s office official. In addition, as the new coronavirus, which has similar symptoms such as fever and fatigue, continues to spread, special attention is said to be needed when treating patients.

When the intense heat wave continues, one would imagine that Hokkaido must be a pleasant place to live. My wife and I, who are big fans of Hokkaido, go out at least three times every year.

We go on a ski trip at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, participate in the Chitose Marathon in June, and go on a road trip during the summer holidays. Then we go on a road trip during the summer vacation. This year, the Chitose Marathon was cancelled due to the new coronavirus, so I’ve only gone out once.

Driving through that magnificent land always gives me a sense of freedom. I’ve never liked driving, but Hokkaido is the only place I like to drive.

Of course, I know that living in Hokkaido all year round can’t be just a carefree tourist experience. Nevertheless, we always talk about visiting as often as we can when we get the chance.