■20200823(日曜日:曇) The modernization of Japan



昨日も猛暑の一日で、朝いつものコースを6 km 走っただけなのですが、これまでの疲労が蓄積していたに違いありません。家から駅まで行くのが、あれほど遠く面倒に思えたことは、これまでありませんでした。幸い家を出る頃には曇り空となり強い日差しは無かったのですが、それでも歩いて駅まで行く気持ちは少しも起こりませんでした。駅近くの駐車場に車を置いて電車に乗って静岡まで出かけました。





私にはメールが登場し始めた頃のことを思い出させます。あの頃も同じようなことを言われました。メールで用件を済ますなどとんでもない。顔を合わせて言葉を交わせなければ意思の疎通などできるはずがない、という意見です。特に IT  を毛嫌いしていた世代の方に、よく聞かれた意見です。

コロナ感染状況を把握するために PCR 陽性者数の統計などは各保健所からの FAX で統計を取っているようですが、いまどき先進国でそんなことをしている国はあるのでしょうか。

このコロナ感染が炙り出した日本社会の一面として、いかに日本社会が IT  後進国であるかが如実に露わになりました。逆に言えば、こうした明らかに時代遅れな部分を刷新すれば、日本社会はまだまだ新たな成長を実現できるという意見があります。つまり、まだまだ伸びしろがあるとも言えるのです。

ただし IT  先進国となるためには、絶対に欠かせない一つの条件があります。理に適った考え方が優先される社会でないとダメなのです。情報技術は忖度してくれないからです。


敗戦に終わった先の戦争がその典型ではないでしょうか。戦争において一番大切な資源である兵隊に対して玉砕だの特攻だのという戦法を強要する指導者たち。まさに竹槍で B 29に戦いを挑む構図なのです。




The modernization of Japan

Yesterday I ran after waking up, worked in the morning, attended the general meeting of the Shizuoka Ophthalmologists Association in Shizuoka City in the afternoon, and got back on the train around 5:30 pm. In a word, I was tired.

Yesterday was another day of extreme heat and I only ran my usual course of 6 km in the morning, but I must have been exhausted from the previous days. Never before has the walk from the house to the station seemed so far and tedious. Fortunately, by the time we left the house, it was cloudy and there was no strong sunshine, but that didn’t make me feel like walking to the station at all. We left the car in a parking lot near the station and took the train out to Shizuoka.

At that time of the day, the train is usually so crowded with passengers that it’s impossible to sit down until the middle of the journey, but yesterday I was able to sit down right away. As expected, the number of passengers was very small. This may be due to the new coronavirus.

Because the meeting was held in a format that allows web attendance, only 1/3 of the members visited the hall. Because Shizuoka is a long prefecture, it takes less than 30 minutes to get to the center of the prefecture, Shizuoka City, by using the Shinkansen (bullet train), if you are in Hamamatsu. To get to Shizuoka City from Shimoda City in East Izu, it takes less than 2 hours and 50 minutes to get there by train. Therefore, there is no member who attends from Higashi-Izu.

In my case, it would take me 50 minutes to get to Shizuoka Station on a regular train on the Tokaido Line, which would mean more than two hours round trip. This would not be a problem in a brisk climate, but in this heat, which can only be described as extreme, it’s like torture. I can’t really feel like going out of my way if I can attend in the air-conditioned house.

■ I expect there will be a lot of social changes in the corona disaster that is happening now. The biggest change is that many people are beginning to understand that things that can only be solved by traveling and meeting people in person can be solved on the web.

To me, it reminds me of the days when email first appeared. I was told the same thing back then. It’s ridiculous to use email to get things done. If we can’t communicate face to face, there’s no way we can communicate with each other. This is a common opinion, especially from the generation that hated IT.

Statistics on the number of PCR-positive people are faxed from each health center to keep track of the status of corona infection, but is there any other advanced country that does that nowadays?

As an aspect of Japanese society exposed by the corona infection, the fact that Japan is an IT backward country has been clearly revealed. Conversely, some argue that Japanese society could still achieve new growth if these clearly outdated aspects of its society were revamped. In other words, it can be said that there is still room for growth.

However, there is one condition that is absolutely critical to becoming an IT leader. We need to be a society where reasonable thinking is a priority. This is because information technology does not allow for discovery.

I think this is the biggest weakness of Japanese society. Even if everyone thinks something is wrong, reasonable opinions can be distorted by discovery to an invisible entity.

The recent war that ended in defeat is a prime example of this. Leaders forcing warfare methods such as jadeite and suicide attacks on the most important resource of the war, the soldiers. This is exactly how they challenge the B-29s with bamboo spears.

I read in a book that during the Warring States period, if a battle turned out to be a losing battle, the feudal lords would quickly withdraw from the battle. They didn’t think for a minute about crushing the battle or launching a suicide attack. If they retreated, they might be able to recover. However, once the troops were crushed, everything was over.

Did this kind of change in mindset emerge only after the Meiji era and Japan’s modernization? If so, unless we overcome the modernization after the Meiji era, we will continue to counter every disaster with mentalism.

In the end, it is the common people who will be the victims. As long as this problem is not solved, the same mistakes will be repeated endlessly and the future of Japan will be disappointing, in my opinion.