■20200509(金曜日:曇) After Corona

メルボルンからGeelong へ行く途中の車窓の風景です。













After Corona

I ran again this morning. I ran 6.10km on my usual course, which has accumulated 28.64km in five runs this month, bringing me to 71.35km left with 22 days to go.

Last night it was cold at dawn and I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep probably because of it. The comforter seemed to be too thin. It wasn’t until about 4 a.m. that I finally realized this and changed the comforter to a thicker one. Thanks to this, I was able to get a good night’s sleep, but my alarm went off after an hour.

I was sluggish and it took me a while to get up, so I thought about stopping running today, but if I don’t run when I can, I’ll be far from achieving my goal. I was about 30 minutes later than usual, but I was able to finish the race today.

Yesterday, I went to a day trip hot spring with Sun for the first time in a long time, I think it was about 10 days ago that the facility was closed due to a voluntary restraint order. It had taken away a great deal of fun for both of them. Even though it was reopened, the cut-off time for day trip bathing is at 16:00, so it seems that there are not many opportunities to use it. How long will it take for things to get back to normal?

In today’s Tokyo Shimbun, Satoshi Shirai, a thinker and political scientist, appeared in the “Writer” section of today’s Tokyo Shimbun, page 8, in the reading column. The book “Capital as a Weapon Theory” has been featured. The subtitle of the book is entitled, “To Speak After Corona”.

Times are about to change drastically with the global transmission of new coronaviruses. Now we are starting to talk about “before/after Corona”. It seems that the present situation must be the end point of one of the modern capitalism that has been. This is the end point of globalization.

In the past, the plague pandemic shook the feudal society of medieval Europe and opened the door to modernity. Whether modernity, which began with the plague, will end with a new coronavirus, is still anyone’s guess. However, it is written that the essence of modernity is industrial capitalism, and the sight of many factories shutting down and airplanes crawling to the ground gives us a glimpse of exactly what the end of capitalism will look like.

Satoshi Shirai is said to have made one thing very clear. That is, what the scientific and technological developments of the last few decades have advertised was a lie. Artificial intelligence surpasses humans, or genetic engineering can manipulate life at will. And man becomes God. There was even a discussion about Homo Deus, but he said that those of us who don’t understand how viruses work, and of course can’t control them, are unlikely to be gods, fortunately or unfortunately.

It is also said that, because of capitalism, today’s science has been so deeply dominated by the possibility of commodification that biology has been subordinated to its medical applicability, and a large number of biologists have emerged who have no interest in the phenomena of life itself. In “Homo Deus,” a person acutely points out that the essence of “talk to be a kami” seems to have been “talk to be a moneymaker.

At the end, Satoshi Shirai writes.

Although Marx died 140 years ago, “The Theory of Capital,” written in the face of the remarkable development of industrial capitalism, foresaw that our intellect, sensibility, and even our souls would be swallowed up by the capitalist system.

I hope this book will help you to put the “post-Corona” perspective into perspective.