■20200520(水曜日:雨) shock doctrine



5時前には雨音も聞こえていましたし、無理をしても意味がありませんので明日以降、頑張って積み重ねをするしかありません。こうなると日曜日に、まとめて長い距離を走る LSD を敢行せざるを得ないようです。


■さて、今朝の東京新聞「こちら特報部」では、学校の「9月入学議論より学校再開を」、「来秋なら入試・就職 混乱」、「複雑すぎる想定 財政負担も巨額に」、「夏休み短縮 土曜授業などで代替を」、「休校 感染拡大防止に効果なし」、「小児科医 学校クラスターはなし」、「政権 ショックドクトリン」、「公衆衛生の問題を教育政策にすり替え」と政府の対応に批判的です。



その休校が本当に感染防止拡大に役立ったかと言えば、小児科医の森内浩幸 長崎大学教授(感染症)は否定的な見解をまとめ、以下のように述べています。













Shock doctrine

I rested early last night with the intention of running this morning, but I felt a slight chill, perhaps due to the cold from dawn. I changed the comforter to a thicker one and rested, but I stopped running because I was afraid of getting sick.

The sound of rain was heard before 5 o’clock, and there was no point in overdoing it, so after tomorrow, I have no choice but to do my best and build up. It seems that I have no choice but to do a long distance LSD on Sunday.

I still have more than 50km to go, so I need to take this to heart before I can reach my goal of running 100km a month. There are times when that happens. I have no choice but to deal with it calmly.

■This morning’s Tokyo Shimbun’s “Here’s a special report” is critical of the government’s response to the following: “School reopens rather than discussing September enrollment”, “Next fall will bring confusion over entrance exams and employment”, “Too complex an assumption and a huge financial burden”, “Shorten summer vacations and substitute Saturday classes”, “No effect on preventing the spread of infection”, “No pediatrician school clusters”, “Administration shock doctrine”, and “Swap public health issues for education policy”.

Makiko Nakamura, a professor at Keio University, said, “I feel that the reason why politics has suddenly started to focus on September admission is because they want to solve two problems. This is because overseas data shows that the average academic performance of children who are unable to study and those who are unable to study decline due to a lack of class days, and that both of these problems will have negative effects in the future, including a decline in lifetime wages.

However, the reason why the discussion of September enrollment came up in the first place is because of the longest school closure of three months. In late February, in order to prevent the spread of new corona infections, Prime Minister Abe arbitrarily called for the nationwide closure of all schools without consulting an expert meeting.

When asked if the school’s closure really helped prevent the spread of infection, pediatrician Hiroyuki Moriuchi, professor of infectious diseases at Nagasaki University, summed up his negative view and said the following

(1) Children account for a small percentage of cases of the new coronavirus, and most cases are transmitted in the home.

(2) Currently, there are no or very few clusters in schools and nursery schools.

(3) The closure of schools and daycare centers is not effective in preventing the epidemic, forcing medical workers to close their doors and potentially increasing the mortality rate from the new corona.

For these reasons, the risk of infection between children is low, and school closures have not prevented the spread of infection, he said.

Dr. Morichi said that the infection of the new coronavirus is different from the flu, which causes an explosion of infection among children, but rather, it causes problems in the mental and physical health and learning of children who are confined to the house, unable to see their friends or teachers. Unfortunately, parental abuse is also on the rise, as should be considered a demerit, he said.

Thus, even though experts have stated that there is no basis for the effect of school closures, it is unreasonable to introduce a September admission system on the basis of those closures.

Professor Tetsuhiko Nakajima of the Aichi Institute of Technology said. “I knew they would do something with the growing criticism of the administration’s management, but it’s a shock doctrine that it’s September enrollment. He is indignant that they are taking advantage of the disaster for their own benefit.

Eiichi Aoki, an associate professor at Tohoku University, pointed out that the policy objective of the school closure was a public health issue to prevent an explosion of infection, but now that the school has reopened, it has been replaced by an educational policy issue of starting school in September.

This is because the school was originally closed as a public health problem, and therefore the reopening of the school should have a public health basis, but the school was not closed for a proper basis in the first place. Once the school is closed, it is no wonder that there is a lot of anxiety about reopening. The government should make the situation more visible and show the basis for its policies,” he said.

■I also feel that this is true. I can’t help but think that the Abe administration’s policies are all capitalizing on the catastrophe of coronavirus infection, in other words, they are devious in the shadows.

The reality is that they continue to deceive the public by coming up with one catchphrase policy after another, diverting their attention away from it, without verifying the results. This is an easy-to-follow example of the shock doctrine, which is a method of taking advantage of a catastrophe to pass one big problematic law after another behind the scenes.

If we continue to “see no evil, say no evil, hear no evil,” the people will only go to hell.