■20200515(金曜日:曇) Constitution
















The Chinese medicine doctor I’m seeing prescribed a new medicine yesterday. It is a sleep inducer. The melatonin related medication that was prescribed at my last appointment somehow didn’t work for my body.

I was able to sleep well, but the next day I was in a state of jet lag for the entire morning and couldn’t get to work. When I consulted with the doctor, he suggested that I should take half a tablet, so I took only half a tablet last night. However, my body was heavy all morning today and I was really tired. After all, it doesn’t seem to be suitable for my body.

This morning I was prepared to run for the first time in a long time, but I didn’t feel like it. It looks like it’s going to rain tomorrow morning, so it looks like it’s going to be next week before we can do any real stacking.

Sunday will be the monthly competition at Shinnumazu Country Club B class. After that, I’m going to put golf away for a while.

■Now, there is a concern that the spread of the new coronavirus will disrupt logistics and stop the movement of people, which will reduce the supply of food production and lead to a rush to buy and export restrictions, which will lead to a further rise in prices, resulting in a food crisis.

Japan’s food self-sufficiency rate is 37%, and we depend on foreign countries for 63% of the energy that runs our bodies. If imports are stopped, lives may be at risk.

In the Choshu Shimbun No. 8495, Professor Nobuhiro Suzuki of the University of Tokyo wrote an article titled “Coronal Consequences Reveal Food Vulnerability and Prescription: Shock Doctrine Is Not Allowed”.

Already major wheat exporters such as Russia and Ukraine and major rice exporters such as Vietnam and India are moving to restrict exports. This export control is a measure that protects the lives of its own people, and it is difficult to encourage restraint.

However, the FAO, WHO and WTO have jointly called for the curbing of export controls. Furthermore, these three international organizations are calling for further liberalization of food trade. The prescription for a solution, he writes, is to reflect on food liberalization and to increase food self-sufficiency in each country.

In the section on security of quality as well as quantity, it is easy to see how the food imported into Japan is covered in medicine. Estrogen has been detected 600 times in imported U.S. beef, and estrogen is a known factor in the growth of breast cancer.

In the United States, hormone-free beef has become a mainstay of domestic demand. Australia exports hormone beef to Japan. Hormone-free beef is exported to the EU, where it is banned. Hormone-covered beef from the U.S. and Australia is exported to Japan, where import restrictions are lax.

Imported wheat is sprinkled with post-harvest pesticide fungicides, which are banned in Japan, during transportation. It is said that the American farmers said that this is good because the Japanese eat it.

These dangerous agricultural products are being imported into Japan in large quantities. Who in the world is pushing these policies and for whom? Food security is the basis of the country’s security. We must not forget that.