■20210203(水曜日:晴れ)立春(the first day of spring) Nuisance


■今朝は走りました。いつものように4時半に合わせた目覚まし時計で起きだし、ビニールゴミを公園前の所定の位置に置いてから、準備運動の後スタートしました。 1月30日に走って以来ですので4日ぶりとなります。

十分な休養をとったおかげでしょうか、今日はスムーズに、それほど辛さを感じることなく、走りきることができました。今月最初のランで9.78 km を積み重ねることができました。月100 km 走までは残り25日で90.21 km となりました。


これら10都府県では一ヶ月間、緊急事態宣言を延長すると決定されました。 県をまたいでの移動がなかなか難しい状況です。






彼女は自殺とみられ「迷惑をかけて申し訳ない」といった趣旨のメモを残していたようです。 どんなに気をつけても、感染することもあれば、感染させてしまうこともある。それは仕方ないこと、お互い様。「迷惑かけたっていいじゃない」と。ことは感染症に限らない、と筆者は書かれています。

最後に筆者は哲学者の鷲田清一さんの「つかふ 使用論ノート」からの言葉を引用しています。

「迷惑をかけあうということは人の常態なのであって、その迷惑をかけあうという関係から逃げないでいてくれた人には(中略)めいわくかけて、ありがとう」とこそ言うべきではないか」 。

他者に迷惑をかけたいなどと思う人は誰もいないはずです。しかし人と人とが関わり合うのが人生であれば、迷惑をかけることなく、また迷惑をかけられることなく生きることは、とても難しいことです。 関わり合って生きるのが人生だということを、コロナ禍のいま改めて実感しているのです。


■I ran this morning. As usual, I woke up with an alarm clock set at 4:30, put the vinyl trash in place in front of the park, and then started after the preparatory exercise. It’s been 4 days since I ran on January 30th.

Perhaps because I had enough rest, I was able to run smoothly and without feeling too much pain today. In the first run of the month I was able to stack 9.78 km. There are 25 days left to run 100 km a month, 90.21 km.

■ By the way, it is written on the front page of the Tokyo Shimbun this morning that the emergency situation will be extended by one month. The extensions are the four prefectures of Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa. Osaka, Kyoto, and Hyogo’s three Kansai prefectures. Aichi, Gifu’s Tokai 2 prefectures and Fukuoka prefecture.

It has been decided that these 10 prefectures will extend the state of emergency for a month. It is quite difficult to move across prefectures.

Also, when I looked it up, there are very few restaurants in Numazu that are open after 9 pm. I didn’t go out most of the night, so I didn’t have any problems, but for some reason I tried to make a reservation for dinner, but I couldn’t find a place after 9 pm. .. It may be possible if you ask personally, but even if you have a dinner with two people, it seems difficult at present.

I think it’s really hard for people involved in restaurants. Anyway, after the shop survives and the coronavirus is over, I hope that the situation where everyone can enjoy eating together will return to what it used to be.

■ There is a “Big Wave and Small Wave” column in the Culture section on page 6 of the Tokyo Shimbun this morning. The title this morning is “nuisance”.

-It is written that it is okay to bother you.

These are the words on the cover of the February / March issue of “Lifestyle Notebook”. There was a woman in her thirties in Tokyo who died during her home recuperation after being infected with the new coronavirus. The reporter wrote that she would have been nice if she had seen this cover.

She seems to have committed suicide and she seems to have left a note to her effect, such as “I’m sorry for the inconvenience.” No matter how careful you are, you may get infected or you may infect others. It can’t be helped, each other. “It’s okay to bother you.” The author writes that this is not limited to infectious diseases.

Finally, the reporter quotes the words from the philosopher Kiyokazu Washida’s “Tsukafu Usage Theory Note”.

“It’s normal for people to bother each other, and I should say thank you to those who haven’t escaped from the relationship of causing trouble …”.

No one wants to bother others. However, if it is life that involves people, it is very difficult to live without bothering and inconvenience. In the epidemic of the coronavirus, I am reminded that life is the life of being involved.