■20210216(火曜日:晴れ、強風) Strong wind



目が覚めてみて窓の外で唸りを上げる風の音にひるみましたが、ここで走っておかないと目標達成がおぼつきませんので、 準備ののち玄関を出ました。生ゴミの袋を集積所に置き、準備運動の後スタートしました。


今朝は1時間25秒、9.87 km を走り、今月は5回のランで51.45 km を積み重ね、月100 km 走までは残り12日で48.54 km のところまで来ました。



■先日我が家に届いたタブレットiPlay40は重宝しているのですが、昨日 Gmail アプリが突然起動しなくなりました。つまりは Google メールを確認することができなくなってしまったのです。

ただし抜け道はあります。ブラウザChromeから Gmail を確認することはできますので、そちらから処理は可能なのですが、ひと手間かかりますので面倒なのです。

どうして Gmail アプリが起動しなくなってしまったのか不明なのですが、まさか アメリカの Huawei に対する制裁が影響しているわけではないのでしょう。

時間の経過とともに問題が解決されるかもしれません。 気長に待つしかありません。

Strong wind

■I ran this morning. It rained all morning yesterday and stopped in the evening, but strong winds blew up due to the development of low pressure. I thought it would be calm this morning, so I woke up at 4:30 as usual.

When I woke up, I was struck by the sound of the wind roaring outside the window, but I couldn’t reach my goal unless I ran today, so I changed my clothes and left the door. I put a bag of kitchen waste in the collection point and started after the preparatory movement.

I passed in front of my friend’s house, confirmed that the lights were on, and headed to the schoolyard of the elementary school.

I ran 9.87 km in 1 hour and 25 seconds this morning, piled up 51.45 km in 5 runs this month, and reached 48.54 km with 12 days left until I ran 100 km a month.

Anyway, the wind was strong, and even if I was running in the schoolyard, I was running in total darkness, so I was off course due to the strong wind without knowing it, and I knew where I was running for a moment. It was easy when there was a tailwind, but when I was running toward the southwest wind, it was difficult to move forward.

Still, I was relieved to finish running safely. There is no choice but to stack up.

■ The tablet iPlay40 that arrived at my house the other day is useful, but yesterday the Gmail app suddenly stopped working. In other words, I can no longer check Google mail.

However, there are loopholes. You can check Gmail from the browser Chrome, so you can process it from there, but it is troublesome because it takes a lot of work.

I don’t know why the Gmail app suddenly stopped launching on iPlay40. No doubt he’s not affected by his American sanctions on Huawei.

The problem may be resolved over time. There is no choice but to wait patiently.