■20210204(木曜日:晴れ) Melatonin


■今朝は走らずに休みました。昨日の朝は 10 km 弱を走りましたので今日は休養日です。

Non ちゃんからもらったメラトニンを1mg 服用して昨夜は寝ました。日本ではメラトニンは市販されていませんが、アメリカではサプリとして手に入るようです。睡眠導入剤として広く利用されているようです。1錠1 mg ですので、とりあえずは1錠飲んでみて様子を見ることにしたのです。



3大不眠症治療薬の一つであるメラトニン受容体作動薬として、以前 ロゼレムを利用したことがあるのですが、その時は翌日の午前中いっぱい頭がぼーっとして仕事になりませんでした。 あの時は眠っている間には特段問題ありませんでしたので、メラトニンそのものと、メラトニン受容体作動薬では、私の場合効き方が違うようです。たまたまかもしれませんが。



■I took a rest this morning without running. I ran a little less than 10 km yesterday morning so today is a rest day.

I took 1mg of melatonin from Non-chan and went to bed last night. Melatonin is not commercially available in Japan, but it seems to be available as a supplement in the United States. It seems to be widely used as a sleep inducer.

One tablet is 1 mg, so I decided to take one tablet and see what happened. However, it didn’t seem to suit my constitution at all. It worked well in terms of introducing sleep, but after about two hours, something went wrong.

Mysterious dreams that didn’t make sense appeared one after another in my head, as if they were crackling like fireworks. In other words, I didn’t feel a deep sleep. Of course, I’m not asleep, but it’s been really painful.

I used to use roselem as a melatonin receptor agonist, one of the three major insomnia treatments, but at that time, I was so confused that I couldn’t work the next morning. At that time, there was no particular problem while I was asleep, so it seems that melatonin itself and melatonin receptor agonists work differently in my case. It may happen, though.

There are really individual differences in how the medicine works. The side effects are similar. Even with anti-allergic eye drops, I have been in trouble because of drowsiness. You don’t know if you take it internally, and even with eye drops, you need to be careful when using the medicine.