■20210208(月曜日:晴れ、強風) Solitude


■今朝はゆっくりと休みました 。昨日は一日中歩き通しでしたので、さすがに疲れました。昨夜は家に帰りこたつに入りましたが、 疲れのためでしょうか体が重く、風邪のひきはじめのような気だるさがありました。早速葛根湯を一服のみ、早めに床につき休みました。こういう時は睡眠をとるのが一番です。今朝はおかげで元気を取り戻すことができました。さすがに走るのは止めて明日に延期しました。

■今朝の東京新聞こちら特報部は、「あの素晴らしい愛をもう一度 」誕生50年。作詞・きたやまおさむさんと考える「 愛」、と題して書かれています。さすがに北山さんらしく随所になるほどなと感じる鋭い指摘がちりばめられています。




きたやまさんは1月下旬に「ぼく自身のノオト」(創元社) を復刊しました。この本の中に、こんな一節があります。


「 いつも誰かと会い、交流しているから、私っていうものだけになる瞬間を今まで持てなかった人もいるんじゃないかな。孤独は避けることではなくて、自分を考える絶好の機会です」。




■ I took a rest this morning. I was walking all day yesterday, so I was really tired. I went home last night and went into a kotatsu, but maybe because I was tired, my body was heavy and I felt like I was starting to catch a cold. I took only one dose of Kakkonto and went to the futon early to take a rest. At times like this, it’s best to sleep. Thanks to that, I was able to regain my energy this morning. As expected, I stopped running and postponed it tomorrow.

■ This morning’s Tokyo Shimbun This special news department is 50 years since the birth of “That wonderful love again”. It is written under the title of “Love”, which is written by Osamu Kitayama. As expected, Mr. Kitayama’s sharp points are studded everywhere.

“People in this country like the side-by-side love of looking at the same thing side by side. Like cherry blossom viewing, autumn leaf hunting, and fireworks. Seeing the same scenery, everyone confirms that it’s beautiful. I like it. “

Mr. Kitayama also quoted the old tale “Yuzuru” and said:

“We are really animals, but we live by pretending to be humans with wisdom. In reality, everyone is this Yuzuru. Everyone is hurt, and we are forced to do so that the cloth can never break. Everyone is afraid to be a target and hides that they are cranes, but when someone finds out that they are cranes, they make a full attack to protect themselves. “

Mr. Kitayama republished “My Own Nooto” (Sogensha) in late January. There is such a passage in this book.

“In the first place, loneliness is a strange name. To me, being alone means being together. To me, loneliness means to restore various aspects of myself that have been separated. I believe that being lonely is an important act that is indispensable for loving and correctly recognizing oneself. “

“Because I always meet and interact with someone, I think some people may not have had the moment to be the only one. Loneliness is not an avoidance, but a great opportunity to think about yourself.”

I think this way.

Being alone or lonely is like a baseball pitcher throwing with a bullpen. Face yourself silently without a batter before standing on the mound. What kind of state are you in now? Is the overall balance good? This is the only opportunity to confirm it. Solitude is an important time for everyone.