■20210207(日曜日:晴れ) Transformation



長谷川さんは9年ぶりに赴任先の中国から帰国され、まだご自宅の方も片付けが済んでいないようでバタバタしているようですが、私が誘ったところわざわざ来てくださいました。東京からでは往復の時間だけでも大変なのですが、 来てくれて感謝です。


中国の日常あるいは現状について、長谷川さんからいろいろ話を聞くことができ、大変勉強になりました。中国の進化した IT の利用状況などはネットで見ることはあるものの、やはり実際に体験された方のお話には重みがあります。 良く言えば it 先進国ですが、厳重な監視社会といえば、いささか息苦しく感じるのはやむを得ないのかもしれません。





It’s been a long time since I played golf today. We had a great time together with Mr. Hagiwara, a good friend of golf, Mr. Hasegawa, a junior in high school, and Mr. Eto, the chairman of the competition. It was a climate that made us feel the arrival of spring, which was warm and full of sunlight. There was almost no wind and it was a really nice day.

Mr. Hasegawa returned from China for the first time in nine years, and it seems that his home hasn’t been cleaned up yet, but he came all the way when I invited him. It’s difficult to get back and forth from Tokyo, but I’m grateful for coming.

The score was terrible, but Hagiwara-san and Eto-san are both singles, so each swing or play was a meaningful day for me because I learned a lot.

■It was a great learning experience for me to hear various stories from Mr. Hasegawa about the daily life and current situation in China. Although you can see the evolution of his IT usage in China on the Internet, the story of the person who actually experienced it is still important. In a nutshell, it is a developed country, but when it comes to a strict surveillance society, it may be unavoidable to feel a little stuffy.

In the current state of corona sickness, such a surveillance society has a positive effect, and is very effective in preventing the spread of infection. However, it is unavoidable that there are points that seem to be overkill when viewed from Japan.

When you cross the pedestrian crossing at a red light, the person is immediately identified by face recognition, the name is displayed on the bulletin board and a warning is given, so it is not half-baked. With the spread of QR code payment, it seems to be a fact that cash is rarely used. It seems to be a fact that the credit level of an individual is immediately judged from the behavior history, and a loan is provided from an IT company instead of a bank in a blink of an eye.

The evolution of IT may have transformed China into a completely different country. I am really curious about how it will change in the future.