■20210209(火曜日:晴れ) Be involved with society


■今朝は走りました。先週の金曜日、5日以来ですので4日ぶりとなります。 8.90 km を走り今月はこれで3回のランで30.84 km を積み重ね、月100 km 走までは残り19日で69.15 km となりました。9日の時点としては、ほぼ目標ラインです。

今朝はランニングアプリとしてrunkeeperを使いました。音声案内を利用できるからです。10分ごとに、さらに1 km ごとに音声案内をしてくれますで、走りながらペースを確認することができますし、目標まであとどのぐらい走ればよいかの検討が容易に付きます。




その中で語られている1人がINAX(現LIXIL) 元社長 伊奈輝三(いな・てるぞう)さんです。創業者の子供として生まれ、42歳で当然のように従業員三千数百名の会社の社長となりました。16年間社長を務め、58才で姻戚関係のない社員に社長を引き継いだそうです。

そのように、なぜ早く辞めたのですかと問われ 、長く続けていると一人の人間の発想には限界があると自分でも気付くようになったから、と答えています。

60 歳で社長をやめよう、70 歳までには業界や地域の役職の全て辞め、残る人生は何かの組織の恩恵も制約もない、何の肩書きもない一個人として過ごそうと決意したそうです。 肩書きの無い身になっても社会とのつながりを持ち続けたいと思っていたそうです。

70 歳で商工会議所会頭を辞し同時に一切の公職を辞しましたが、その2年前に地元に中部国際空港が開港したのを機に、案内ボランティアとして活動することにしました。

最後に伊奈さんは、こう言われています。「たとえ組織に属していなくても一個人としてその年齢、能力、体力などに応じて社会との関わり合いを持ち続けることは、今の時代いくらでも道はあるのではないかと思います。 一人の人間として社会との繋がりに関しては「生涯現役」 でいたいと思っています」。



Be involved with society

I ran this morning. It’s been 4 days since last Friday, 5th. I ran 8.90 km, and this month I’ve piled up 30.84 km in three runs, leaving 69.15 km with 19 days left to run 100 km a month. As of the 9th, it is almost the target line.

I used runkeeper as a running app this morning. This is because voice guidance is available. It will give me voice guidance every 10 minutes and every 1 km so that I can check the pace while running and easily consider how much more I should run to reach my goal.

I felt that the time was very long while I was running, probably because I was tired today. As usual, I passed in front of my friend’s house, checked the lights, and then headed to the schoolyard. I set the timer to 35 minutes this morning. Judging from my physical condition, I set it to a reasonable level.

■ By the way, a special article entitled “How to treat yourself” was published in the Tokyo Shimbun.

“No matter how brilliant the talent or the person who has to be a company, we cannot escape the weakening of the mind and body. Whether to continue fighting or to withdraw gracefully. Each person has 100 years of life. Now that life planning is being questioned in the times, think about how to treat yourself. “

One of the people mentioned is Mr. Teruzo Ina, the former president of INAX (currently LIXIL). Born as a child of the founder, at the age of 42 he naturally became president of a company with more than 3,000 employees. He served as president for 16 years, and at the age of 58, he took over the president to an unrelated employee.

When asked why he quit early, he replied that he began to realize that there was a limit to the way one person could think if he continued for a long time.

Ina decided to quit the president at the age of 60, quit all industry and regional positions by the age of 70, and spend the rest of his life as an individual with no organizational benefits or restrictions. Ina wanted to maintain a connection with society even if he had no title.

At the age of 70, he resigned as chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and at the same time resigned from all public offices, but two years before that, when the Chubu International Airport opened in his hometown, he decided to work as a guide volunteer.

Finally, Mr. Ina says: “Even if I don’t belong to an organization, I think there are many ways to continue to be involved with society as an individual according to their age, ability, physical strength, etc., as a person in this era. Regarding the connection with society, I want to be “active throughout my life.”

It should not be as easy as it sounds for someone like Ina, who has been active as the top of the organization for many years, to work with men and women of all ages in the same position as a complete volunteer. I think many people will hit a mental wall such as pride and retreat. This is because they cannot stand an equal position, which is different from before.

I felt that there was a lot to learn from Mr. Ina, who has lived a life of unity.