■20210212(金曜日:晴れ) Resignation



昨日の疲れもあったので、昨夜は9時には床に入り早めに休みました。そのおかげがあったのでしょう。今日は1時間9分41秒、10.74 km を走りました。

これで今月は4回のランで41.58 km を積み重ね、月100 km 走まで残り16日で58.41 km となりました。

今日もスマホのRunkeeperを使って記録を取りました。1 km を走るごとに通知をしてくれますので、走っていて途中経過が把握でき、とても安心して走ることができます。

12日目の目標ラインには少し足りませんが、通常よりも3日少ない2月の日数の中で、なんとか月100 km 走を達成したいものです。

今朝は走っていて最初の5 km 程はスムーズに軽快に走ることができたのですが、その後は少し右膝の違和感が出現しましたが、なんとか無事に最後まで走ることができました。

■今朝の東京新聞一面には「森組織委会長 辞任へ、女性蔑視発言引責、東京五輪・パラ 後任に川淵氏」とあります。

ようやくといえばようやくという印象ですか、日本の組織においては森喜朗さんのような方がいないと組織が回らないのでしょう。 なんだかんだと言っても結局は東京五輪の開催が事実上難しくなったということの証ではないでしょうか。



■I got up at 4 o’clock this morning and ran. The alarm clock was set at 4:30, but I woke up earlier than that. If you fall asleep again here, it will be very hard to get up this time.

I was tired yesterday, so I went to bed at 9 o’clock last night and took a rest early. Thanks to that, I think I was able to get up smoothly this morning. Today I ran 10.74 km in 1 hour 9 minutes 41 seconds.

This month I piled up 41.58 km in four runs, leaving 58.41 km with 16 days left to run 100 km a month.

I used Runkeeper on my smartphone to keep a record today. You will be notified every time you run 1 km, so you can keep track of the progress of your run and you can run with great peace of mind.

It’s a little short of the goal line on the 12th day, but I want to achieve a whopping 100km a month in February, which is 3 days less than usual.

I was running this morning and was able to run smoothly and lightly for the first 5 km, but after that I felt a little discomfort in my right knee, but I managed to run to the end safely.

■ On the front page of the Tokyo Shimbun this morning, there is a statement, “To resign as chairman of the Mori Organizing Committee, to take responsibility for women’s disdain, and to succeed Kawabuchi at the Tokyo Olympics and Para.”

The impression is that it’s finally over, and in a Japanese organization, the organization wouldn’t turn around without someone like Yoshiro Mori. After all, it’s a proof that the Tokyo Olympics have become virtually difficult to hold.

If it could really be held, Mr. Mori must have continued to serve as chairman. Will the Tokyo Olympics be held? The conclusion must come out not so long. Time and money are limited.