■20210206(土曜日:晴れ) Map of Japan in Seicho


■今朝はゆっくりと休みました。昨日はスマホのランニング・アプリで記録しながら10 km 以上走りましたので、今日は休養日です。5時半に目覚まし時計が鳴ってからも、布団の中でしばらくうとうとしていました。いつもながら最高の贅沢な時間です。

■先日の東京新聞「大波小波」欄に、「清張の日本地図」と題する記事が書かれていました。 北川清・徳山加陽ら著「地図で読む松本清張」(帝国書院)が出版されたのです。 この本の巻頭にある「清張作品の日本地図」には、北海道の札幌、夕張などから、鹿児島の指宿まで、清張作品に登場する場所が記されています。




ーー田村正和が“父の執念”を体現…娘の命を奪った交通事故の真相に迫る! 松本清張原作『十万分の一の偶然』 ーー



Map of Japan in Seicho

■ I took a rest this morning. Yesterday I ran more than 10km while recording with my smartphone’s running app, so today is a rest day. Even after the alarm clock rang at 5:30, I was drowsy in the futon for a while. As always, it’s the best luxury time.

■ The other day, an article entitled “Map of Japan in Seicho” was written in the “Big Waves and Small Waves” section of the Tokyo Shimbun. “Seichou Matsumoto reading on a map” (Teikoku Shoin) by Kiyoshi Kitagawa, Kaya Tokuyama and others was published. The “Japanese Map of Seicho’s Works” at the beginning of this book describes the places that appear in Seicho’s works, from Sapporo and Yubari in Hokkaido to Ibusuki in Kagoshima.

The place name of Kamedake that appears in “Sandware” is especially famous. Looking at the homepage of the Okuizumo Tourism Association, there was the following description.

Seicho Matsumoto’s “Castle of Sand” is a masterpiece of a detective novel serialized in the Yomiuri Shimbun in 1960 and became a bestseller. , It became an opportunity for this region to be widely known. The monument was erected at the entrance of the approach to Yuno Shrine in 1983 by Seicho Matsumoto.

In fact, there is also Seicho’s work set here in Numazu. I was drawn to the story of uncovering the secrets hidden in the accident on the highway.

–Masakazu Tamura embodies “his father’s obsession” … approaching the truth of the traffic accident that killed his daughter! Seicho Matsumoto’s original “A coincidence of 1 / 100,000”

It was also broadcast on TV in 2019. I missed this TV drama. I read the original in 2020, so it seems that it was a year late.

In this way, Seicho Matsumoto has left his mark all over Japan.