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This morning was the day for collecting cans, bottles, and plastic bottles, so I took the three bags I had sorted yesterday to the designated place. After picking up the newspaper, I came home and started preparing breakfast.

I didn’t run this morning, so I cut back a bit on breakfast. I had a croissant, coffee, natto (fermented soybeans) with okara powder and stirred it well, and soy milk yogurt with a little jam for breakfast. As for fruits, we shared six grapes and a banana between the two of us. The grapes were Shine Muscat. It’s really easy to just wash them and eat the whole skin, and they have a great sweet taste.

Well, today is Setsubun. Today is Setsubun, the day before Risshun, Risshun summer, Risshun autumn, and Risshun winter, which is the division of the seasons, according to the Internet. There are four such days in a year, but since the Muromachi period (1336-1573), the term Setsubun has come to refer to the day before Risshun.

In the old calendar, Risshun was the symbol of the New Year, so Setsubun, the day before Risshun, is like New Year’s Eve. In the old days, it was believed that evil spirits (bad spirits that were believed to cause illness in people) could easily enter at the change of seasons, and the event to drive away demons, the symbol of evil spirits, was established on Setsubun, the day before Risshun, which is also the change of the year.

It is said that the official way of throwing beans is to offer roasted beans to a Shinto shrine and have the head of the household do it at night. Every year in our house, I throw beans from the north and south entrances and windows.

Since the 2nd year, a new type of coronavirus has been sweeping over the world. I can only hope that the coronavirus will mutate to coexist with humanity as soon as possible and the world will settle down.

(Q)Why do we use beans to kill demons?

(A)Oni is a symbol of evil spirits and bad luck. Horrible events beyond human imagination, such as invisible disasters, diseases, and famines, have been thought to be the work of demons.

To drive away the demons, soybeans are sown. Soybeans are one of the five grains, and it was believed that the grain spirit resides in them. Roasted soybeans (Fukumame) are used to drive away demons because “roasting beans” is the same as “shooting demons in the eye”, which means “destroying demons”.

It is said that if you put the beans in a masu (a box) and offer them to a Shinto shrine before throwing them, the power of the gods will dwell in the beans and increase their power to drive out demons. If you don’t have a Shinto shrine, place it in the south direction, above your eye level, and lay out a piece of white paper to offer.

(Q)When and how do we do Mamemaki?

(A)It is said that demons come in the middle of the night, so bean-throwing is done at night. It is best if the whole family is present.

Since Mamemaki is an event to wish for the happiness of the family, the head of the family usually throws the beans. It is also said to be good luck for the “New Year’s Boy” or “New Year’s Girl” of the year.

The method of bean-throwing varies from region to region and from house to house, but basically, open the window and chant “Oni wa soto! (Oni wa soto!) in a loud voice, and then quickly close the window to prevent the demons from coming back. and throw the beans inside the house. Start from the back of the house and go all the way to the front door to drive away all the demons.

After the bean-throwing ceremony, let’s eat as many beans as the number of the year so that we can live a year with good health and good health. If you can’t eat all of the beans, you can drink a cup of “Fuku-cha”, which contains dried plums, salted kelp, and three beans.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)