■20204030(木曜日:晴れ)Antibody Positivity Rate

新宿区、立川市のクリニックでボランティアを対象に、男性123名、女性79名、年齢は20から80歳に対して新型コロナの抗体検査を行ったのです。検査結果では、一般市民の147名の4.8パーセントに当たる 7 名が陽性。医療従事者55名のうち9.1パーセントの五名が陽性。市民・医療従事者を合計した202人全体では 12 名、5.9パーセントが陽性でした。
感染者が最も多い東京都の人口は 1,390万人。PCR 検査で実際に確認された 4,100 人余りは氷山の一角とも言うべき数字で、比べ物にならない。
感染者は無症状や軽症が8割とされる反面、残り2割は入院が必要な中等症以上だ。都が想定する 4,000床程度のベッドでは対応できない恐れも出ている。
Today is the end of April, a third of the year is coming to an end. My policy these days is to have a good rest at the end of the month and run a little longer at the beginning of the month to build up.
This year was supposed to be a memorable year for the Olympics, but the explosion of a new coronavirus infection prevented that from happening. There was a pandemic, or a worldwide pandemic, and the flow of people who had been flying around the world stopped.
During Golden Week in May ( long holidays in Japan), there are always TV reports of Haneda Airport, Narita Airport, and Tokyo Station, showing many people coming and going. This year, however, it has taken on a whole new dimension. This is not just a special situation in Japan, it is now a global situation.
We all live our days confined to the home, following the request to refrain from going out of the house if it is not urgent. This is also happening not only in Japan, but all over the world as well. I asked Ben in Australia and he said the same thing. They seem to be able to work from home and go out only the bare necessities, such as grocery shopping. In some cases, fines can be imposed by the police.
Today, the front page of the Tokyo Shimbun’s morning newspaper reports the results of a survey of 200 people at medical institutions in Tokyo.
Volunteers at clinics in Shinjuku and Tachikawa City were tested for new corona antibodies against 123 men and 79 women, ages 20 to 80 years old. Tests showed that seven people, or 4.8 percent of the 147 members of the public, were positive. Five of the 55 health care workers, 9.1 percent, were positive. Of the total 202 citizens and health care workers combined, 12, or 5.9 percent, tested positive.
The doctor who performed the test said.
Given the increasing number of deaths of unknown causes, PCR testing should be expanded for prompt diagnosis and early treatment.
The paper’s commentary is as follows.
This investigation shows that dozens of times more people may have already been infected than have been confirmed in the country, including many asymptomatic or mildly ill people.
The population of Tokyo with the highest number of infected people is 13.9 million, compared to the 4,100 or so actually confirmed by PCR testing, which is the tip of the iceberg.
While 80% of those infected are said to be asymptomatic or mildly ill, the remaining 20% have moderate or higher illnesses that require hospitalization. It is feared that the 4,000 or so beds envisioned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will not be able to accommodate the new system.
The Japanese method, which has been used to reduce the number of tests, is now having to be reviewed. Once a policy has been decided, it should be transformed instead of sticking to it.
The Japanese government’s response appears to have taken a back seat to the problem that started with the infected people on the cruise ship. If the government’s response in the run-up to the Olympics was to make the spread of the disease appear as minimal as possible, it was thorough. But now that the Olympics have been postponed, there is no point in covering it up.
Without PCR, we don’t know how the infection will spread, so we don’t have to have urban blockades, and we can minimize the restriction of economic activity in the hope of acquiring population immunity.
In reality, however, they have declared a state of emergency and tried to prevent the spread of the disease through sympathetic pressure, with little compensation, in a manner that could be called insidious by the people. When this happens, economic activity is on the verge of death.
This makes it seem to me that the response is incoherent as to where they are trying to go with this.