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■今朝は、ゆっくりと休みました。昨日は午前中18キロ弱を2時間以上かけて、ゆっくりと走りました。本当に久しぶりの LSD でした。マラソンオタクの友人・高野コーチの助言に従って、月に一回は長距離を走らなければいけないのですが、根性のない私は、なかなか高野コーチのようなトレーニングはできません。




手術前には術後にマイナス 2.0 D程度の近視を残してください、とお願いしてあったのですが、計算よりも少し近視が軽くなりました。その分遠くがよく見えますので、現在仕事中は眼鏡をかけずになんの問題もありません。



昨日からプラス 1 D の老眼鏡を、家の中ではかけっぱなしにしています。家の中ではそれほど遠方を見る必要がないからです。すると、どうなるかというと中間距離から手元が凄く楽に見える為に、首筋が張ったり、肩が凝ったり、時に頭が痛くなったりするような症状が全く無くなりました。

器械で調べた私の今の目の状態は、マイナス1.25 D 程度の近視と出ます。つまり1メートルよりも少し手前にピントがあるような近視ということです。現実的には両眼で遠方も0.6から0.8 程度は見えるので、車の運転を含めて自分の目で全く問題なく不自由はありません。


しかしスマホを始めKindleによる読書など、やはり細かい字を見る必要がありますので、裸眼だけでは苦しいのです。そこで試しに昨日からプラス 1.0 Dを終日装用し始めたのですが、今のところとても快適です。

もちろんこの状態では運転は難しいので、メガネを外してサングラスに替えることになります。多焦点の眼内レンズなどなかった昔の眼科の教科書には、手術した後はマイナス 2.0 D程度の近視が一番満足感が高い、という記載がありました。遠近のバランスが一番良いという意味です。




「新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の影響で、行きたくても大学に行けない学生、新入生の皆さん。読書をして過ごすのはいかがですか? なぜ本を読むのか、どんな本があるのか。田中優子・法政大学総長に、自らの読書体験を交えて教えてもらいました」。この中で田中先生はこう書かれています。




English version

This morning, I had a leisurely rest. Yesterday, I ran just under 18km in the morning for just over 2 hours, slowly. It’s been a long time since I’ve done LSD. Following the advice of my marathon geek friend, Coach Takano, I have to run a long distance run once a month, but it’s hard to train like Coach Takano because I don’t have the guts.

I was really worried about whether I would be able to finish the race, but I just had to take it slow and finish it, and even though I did some stretching and stretching exercises four times along the way, I was able to finish it.

I was worried about the discomfort in my right buttock because the sciatic nerve pain flared up two days ago, but it seemed to be much better this morning. I am applying Loxonin tape and seeing how it goes.

Well, I’ve been wearing glasses all day since yesterday. These are so-called reading glasses. I had cataract surgery in December of last year. I was really surprised to see how beautiful the beautiful new green mountains looked, as the glare and difficulty of seeing them disappeared like a lie.

Before the surgery, I was hoping for a myopia of about minus 2.0 D after the surgery, but my my myopia is a little lighter than I calculated. I can see farther, so I don’t have any problem without glasses when I am working.

I can see and type the contents of the electronic medical record in my hand and on a large display, maybe 70 centimeters away, without needing glasses.

If there’s one thing I have trouble with, it’s the fine print on my smartphone. As expected, I can’t read the fine print on my smartphone unless I extend my arms fully. Or when checking the time on a smartwatch, or the distance traveled on a running watch, which is difficult because of the size of the letters. Those are the three things that make it difficult without glasses.

Since yesterday, I’ve been wearing my plus 1 D reading glasses at home. It’s because you don’t have to look that far in the house. Then, the symptoms such as tension in the neck muscles, stiff shoulders, and sometimes headache disappeared completely because it looked very easy from the middle distance to the distance at hand.

My current eye condition, which I examined with an instrument, shows a myopia of about minus 1.25 D. In other words, it’s myopia where the focus is a little closer than a meter. In reality, I can see about 0.6 to 0.8 in the distance with both eyes, so I have no problem at all with my eyes, including driving a car.

When examined with an instrument, the results show that the left and right vision is almost the same, but when you consciously examine your vision, there is more difference between the right and left than expected. The right eye is about 0.4, but the left eye can see up to 0.8. If you look at it with both eyes, it doesn’t interfere with daytime driving at all. My myopia is slightly less than I calculated before the surgery, but I consider it a happy miscalculation to be more comfortable than I thought it would be.

However, it is still necessary to see fine print, such as reading on a Kindle or a smart phone, so it is difficult to see with the naked eye alone. So yesterday I started using the Plus 1.0 D all day and so far it’s very comfortable.

Of course, it’s difficult to drive in this condition, so you’ll have to take off your glasses and switch to sunglasses. In the old days when there was no such thing as a multifocal intraocular lens, it was stated in an ophthalmology textbook that myopia of minus 2.0 D was the most satisfying after surgery. It means that the balance of perspective is best.

Confirming with my own eyes, it is true that in my living situation, that level of myopia may be the least burdensome condition. On the other hand, after the surgery, I felt that if I could see as much as 1.5 with the naked eye, I would get a lot of eye strain, and from my own experience, I was convinced that I couldn’t recommend it very much.

Of course, that’s not the case if you have a job that requires quite a bit of driving time. I think the living conditions of the person are the most important criteria for making a decision.

This morning’s Tokyo Shimbun carried an article by Yuko Tanaka, President of Hosei University, titled “To all university students”. It is written like this.

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, students and freshmen are unable to go to college even if they want to. How would you like to spend your time reading? Why do we read books and what kind of books do we have? Yuko Tanaka, Chancellor of Hosei University, shares her experiences of reading with us. In the book, Tanaka-sensei writes

What is the point of reading books? The reason for this is to have “my own words”. Observe and write down the special experience. Write and talk about your feelings and thoughts at the time.

Whether it’s a social incident or your own, you can get a bird’s-eye view of the event by recording what you saw, what you knew, what you felt, and what you thought, and turn it into ‘knowledge’.

I can understand the lack of whereabouts of the students who have passed the painful entrance examinations and entered the university, but are forced to stay at home in case of an emergency. I know it’s hard, but this may be a good time to look at yourself at a different stage of your life.