■20200613(土曜日:曇) A free translation



■昨日は録画してあった映画を見ました。「翼よ、あれがパリの灯だ」です。原題は「The Spirit of St. Louis 」ですから意訳してある訳ですが、この日本語の題名は名訳だと思います。昔、原作を読もうと挑戦しましたが、確か途中で挫折した記憶があります。上下二巻本だったと思います。勿論、その偉大な冒険飛行は素晴らしいのですが、本の解説によればむしろ、それ以前の準備段階での慎重さ、あるいは用意周到さといったものを褒め称えていました。飛行中のさまざまな苦難、特に睡魔に襲われる部分は見ていて本当にハラハラドキドキでした。







A free translation

■ I ran this morning. I woke up twice in the middle of the night, went to the bathroom, and didn’t feel deep sleep. I started hard and ran the usual course for 6.12km, and I accumulated 48.86km in 9 runs this month, and I reached 51.14km to reach 100km in 17 days. I ran under the overcast clouds in the rainy sky. It seemed like it was going to rain soon, but it never fell to the end. Due to the heat and humidity, my hat got quite wet with sweat before I finished running. After running, the cold watermelon was the best.

■ I watched the movie that was recorded yesterday. “Wings, that is the light of Paris.” The original title is “The Spirit of St. Louis,” so it’s a free translation, but I think this Japanese title is a good translation. I tried to read the original translated book in the past, but I remember that I was frustrated on the way. I remember it was two volumes up and down. Of course, the great adventure flight is wonderful, but rather, according to the explanation of the book, he praised the preparation in the preparation stage before that. I was really thrilled to see various hardships during the flight, especially the part that was hit by drowsiness.

■ Yesterday, I took out the closed fan. Last summer is over and it’s been a year since I cleaned up. It was the first time in a year, so it was covered in dust. I took it apart last night, cleaned the wings and removed dust. At the beginning of the week I removed the filter from the air conditioner, which also removed dust. The dust accumulates in no time.

■ The Tokyo Shimbun this morning says that Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike has announced her return to the governor’s election on July 5th. A book has been published and has become a best-selling book that wonders if you really graduated from Cairo University.

There is no doubt that Governor Koike has continued to deceive voters, even if the truth about it is sideways. Aside from the problem of academic fraud, I think that this point is a bigger problem, and voters should thoroughly examine it.

Anyway, the basic stance is that the winner wins and the voters will soon forget it, so no matter what you say, there will be no problem. A voter who is often deceived by such an attitude is no different from a consumer who is often deceived by the scam.

Every time the election is over, Japan becomes poor and society becomes distressed. Since we are wasting our limited budget and limited resources in the wrong direction, society and the people’s lives cannot be enriched.

In that sense, Prime Minister Abe and Governor Koike are very similar politicians. The two are exactly the same. Voters must open their eyes firmly.