■20200616(火曜日:曇) To create a new political force



通算走行距離が50キロを超えて後半に入ってくると、走る度に残りの距離が目に見えて減ってきます。それがとても励みになります。やはり前半の50キロまでは上り坂のようなもので、いくら走っても届かないような徒労感に襲われます。毎月、毎月同じことを繰り返していますが、今月もとりあえずは50km の峠を越えてほっと一息といったところです。










To create a new political force

I ran this morning. I couldn’t run in good sleep yesterday, but today I ran 5.99km on the usual course, and this month I have built 54.85km in 10 runs this month. It’s 45.14km in 14 days until 100km/month.

When the total mileage exceeds 50 kilometers and enters the second half, the remaining distance will visibly decrease each time I run. It is very encouraging. After all, the first half of 50 km is like an uphill road, and it feels like labor is hard to reach no matter how much you run. I repeat the same thing every month, but this month I feel relieved after crossing the 50km pass.

■ By the way, yesterday, it was announced that Taro Yamamoto of Reiwa Shinsengumi will run for the Governor of Tokyo voted on July 5.

The promise is to pay 100,000 yen to all citizens as a measure against the new coronavirus. In addition to promptly paying 1 million yen to all businesses, universities and vocational schools have also set a tuition exemption for one year. He says he will insist on the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.

Of course, there are various opinions, but I think it was good that Yamamoto ran for it. Another opposition party suggested to Yamamoto that he wanted him to run as a candidate for unification of the opposition. The proposal did not come true because the Constitutional Democratic Party did not agree with the reduction of the consumption tax to 5% in the general election that Mr. Yamamoto claimed.

The consumption tax has been increased to 10% last year, making people’s lives harder, and more and more people are actually unable to live due to the new coronavirus infection. On the other hand, if you are serious about people’s lives, you cannot avoid reducing the consumption tax. It is possible that executives such as former Prime Minister Noda and former Prime Minister Kan, who once permitted the tax increase during the Democratic Party’s administration, are opposed to the tax reduction.

But to me, this is a idiot. It’s like proclaiming yourself as a politician who doesn’t look directly at the lives of the people. In that sense, there is no difference from the Abe administration. Even if such an opposition party takes power, it is unlikely that the people’s lives will be enriched. In other words, the existing opposition parties cannot save the people.

After thinking deeply about such a thing, Taro Yamamoto may have been nominated. It means that we have to create a new political force. The existing opposition forces only think of themselves and their seats rather than the lives of the people. That will not save the people.

People who have not participated in previous elections. People who had been given up if nothing went the same even if they went to elections. By appealing to those people, politics may change, as Yamamoto said.

The Abe administration has taken a thorough policy of lowering the voting rate. By making voters think that the world would not get better even if they went to elections, they lowered the voting rate, held a large number of votes only by their fixed supporters, and carried out an all-you-can-eat policy.

Whatever the case, we must bring people who haven’t voted before to the polls to regain politics and our lives. As it is, Japan’s future is truly dark.