■20200617(水曜日:晴れ) The Old Man and the Sea





そうした意味では月100キロ走るという目標は、私にとって最善ともいえるものです。本当はもっと長い距離を、そして月に一度は LSD を敢行しなければならないことは理解しているのですが、なかなか現実的には難しいのです。


■さてこのブログの英語版を4月26日から作り始めています。Googleの翻訳サービス、そしてドイツのサイトサービスである DeepLなどを利用して作っていますが、思わぬ副産物に気づいています。




The Old Man and the Sea

I ran this morning. I ran 6.08km on the usual course, and I have accumulated 60.93km on 11 runs this month. It has reached 39.06 km in 13 days until it reaches 100 km per month.

During the rainy season, it has been successfully stacked. From tomorrow, the weather will be bad and it is forecasting rain, but since I only run in the early morning, I hope that I can keep it raining only during that time.

I don’t know how long I can continue to achieve the goal of running 100km a month. I think it is very important to live every day with clear and achievable goals. Because it allows you to regulate your life regularly. In order to stay healthy, a regular life is most important.

In that sense, the goal of running 100 kilometers a month is the best for me. I understand that I really have to go for longer distances and once a month for LSD, but it’s quite difficult in practice.

Anyway, it seems that I can run 100km a month for a while, so I have no choice but to continue until I can. If I get hurt or get sick, my goals will be lost. I am sending every day carefully to avoid only the two.

■ Well, I started to make an English version of this blog on April 26th. I am using Google’s translation service and DeepL, which is a German site service, etc., but I have noticed an unexpected by-product.

I am translating the Japanese I wrote to English, so reading the completed English version is not a pain. As I continued, reading the English text itself was much easier than before. It used to be difficult to read English even in short sentences, but since I started writing an English blog, I can read it much longer than before. It’s a big harvest for me.

The other day, after a long time, I reread Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea.” It’s a book I’ve read 10 times more, so I can start reading the first part very smoothly, but the number of pages I can read is much higher than before. I was surprised at this.

Hemingway’s writing is concise and powerful, and the more you read it, the more delicious it will be. The movie “The Old Man and the Sea” will be broadcast on BS TV tomorrow. I had seen it before in a movie starring Spencer Tracy, but since I reread the original, I wanted to see the movie again. I made a reservation for recording. I’m looking forward to seeing it again from the beginning.