■20200609(火曜日:晴れ) Escape from Freedom








■昨日からある本を読み始めました。「適菜 収著 国賊論 安倍晋三と仲間たち」です。日本を守るべき立場にある人々が、日本を売り渡しているという現状を、多くの日本国民が知ってか知らずか黙認し続けた、この7年以上の月日を分析しています。

文中に登場する「エーリッヒ・フロム著 自由からの逃走」は大学時代、社会学の講義で指定図書になったことを思い出しました。最後まで読み通す気力が私にはありませんでしたが、戦後75年を経て、この本が分析した社会の問題点は今でも色褪せていないことが分かりました。そして、あの文豪夏目漱石が近代日本の行く末を鋭く見通していたことも書かれています。




Escape from Freedom

I was going to run this morning, but I didn’t. I took Belsomra, an orexin receptor antagonist, as a sleep inducer last night. The medicine was recommended by a Kampo teacher who is currently undergoing medical examination.

I used to use lendormin before, but considering the side effects, I was advised to use the melatonin receptor agonist Rozerem as the first choice. But it didn’t suit me. I couldn’t work because my head was full of thought the next morning.

So, I took another orexin receptor antagonist, another sleep-inducing agent, for the first time the day before yesterday. This agonist has no such side effects. However, when I drank it last night, I felt a slight palpitation from dawn this morning and could not sleep. I have taken it only twice, so it may be quick to conclude, but it seems that it does not suit my constitution.

The two kinds of herbal medicines that I had prescribed prevented my palpitations from happening a lot, but I started to see them again due to oral administration of Belsomra. Only Lendormin seems to fit my constitution.

According to the weather forecast, it won’t rain until tomorrow, so I decided to run tomorrow morning.

As usual, I got up at 5 o’clock this morning, but I didn’t feel like eating much and lay down for about an hour. It was the day of garbage disposal, so I carried it to the designated place, picked up the newspaper, came back, and looked carefully at the paper.

■ I started reading a book yesterday. This is “Tekina Osamu’s book on the national bandit Shinzo Abe and his friends.” It analyzes over the past seven years that people who are in a position to protect Japan are selling Japan. Meanwhile, many Japanese people continued to tolerate.

It reminded me that the book “Escape from Freedom” by Erich Fromm, which appeared in the book, became a designated book in a lecture in sociology during college. I didn’t have the will to read through to the end, but 75 years after the war, I found that the analysis of this book was still valid. It is also written that Soseki Natsume, a great writer, had a sharp view of the end of modern Japan.

75 years after the defeat, 150 years after the Meiji Restoration, we reached an end in modern Japan. That was the Abe Cabinet’s eight-year period.

When the new coronavirus spread and the crisis came, it can be said that we finally noticed the actual situation of politics over the last eight years with AbenoMask and the concrete measures that politics showed us.

There is a truly desperate battle to rebuild Japan in the future, but we cannot escape.