■20200605(金曜日:晴れ) Government software






今こうして入力しているのは、スマホの音声入力で WordPressに入力しています。その分に関しては全く問題がありません。このスマホもWiFiで接続されているはずですから、パソコンとどう違うのか私には分かりませんが、ルーターの問題でしょうか。



上記のメルマガ『週刊 Life is beautiful』では、「Windows 95を設計した日本人」として知られる世界的エンジニアの中島聡さんが、その原因を分析・解説するとともに、このような状況を打破するための画期的アイディアを披露しています。


(1) 厚生労働省は20日から運用を始めた「雇用調整助成金」のオンライン申請でシステムトラブルが発生し、受け付けを停止したと発表した。再開のめどは立っていない。(中略)

(2) 厚労省が調べたところ、同じタイミングで申請した人に同じIDが割り振られ、先に登録した人の氏名、携帯電話番号、メールアドレスなどが見られるようになっていた。パスワードや給与情報も見られるようになっていた可能性があるという。




  1. 政府から受注したITゼネコンには自らソフトウェアを書く人・書ける人がおらず、仕様書を書いて下請けに丸投げするだけ
  2. その下請けは、大学でちゃんとソフトウェアの勉強をしていない文系の派遣社員を低賃金で雇い、劣悪な労働環境でコードを書かせている
  3. 書かれたコードをレビューをする習慣やシステムが存在しない
  4. クライアントの打ち合わせ、仕様書の作成、見積書の作成などには膨大な時間を書けるわりに、コードのクオリティを上げることには時間をかけない
  5. ITゼネコンには役所からの天下りが、下請けのソフトウェア会社にはITゼネコンの天下りが役員・顧問・相談役として働いており、ほとんど仕事をせずに「口利き」だけをして高給をもらっている




  1. オープンソースなので、作ったものは(公募で集まったものも含めて)国民の(実際には人類の)共通財産になり、一つの地方自治体が作ったものを別の地方自治体が(そのまま、もしくは改変して)使うなども可能になる
  2. 実力勝負になるため、天下りによる官民癒着体質から脱却できる
  3. ITゼネコン、派遣会社のような中間搾取団体が排除される少数精鋭のフリーランス・グループが有利になるため、人材市場に流動性が生まれる
  4. (会社など作らずに)プロジェクトごとに集まるという新しい働き方が可能になる




Government software

I ran this morning. I ran yesterday too, so I thought today would be a rest day, but I woke up in the morning feeling refreshed, so I decided to run.

Today was food waste day, so we took it to the designated location and started running after the preparation exercise.

It’s been a refreshing day into June. At 5am, the temperature in my bedroom is a little steamy, but when I walk out the front door, the air is cool and refreshing. It’s just before the rainy season, isn’t it?

Well, I’m updating this blog every morning, but the WiFi is not good today. My computer is connected to the Internet, but I can’t get a stable signal. Even when connected, the line speed is very slow and useless.

Right now, I’m typing into WordPress with my smartphone’s voice input. I have no problem with that at all. This smartphone is also connected via WiFi, so I don’t know how it’s different from my computer, but I guess it’s a router issue.

Now, all the online applications for the various measures launched by the coronavirus countermeasure are not succeeding. Measures that need to be implemented in a short period of time are instead confused by online applications. The following article points out the problem at the root of it all.

“Why is it that all the software the Japanese government makes is actually a useless product?

In the weekly magazine “Weekly Life is beautiful”, Satoshi Nakajima, a world-class engineer known as the “Japanese who designed Windows 95”, analyzes and explains the causes of this situation and presents his groundbreaking ideas for breaking through this situation.

First, the current situation is as follows.

(1) The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has announced that it has stopped accepting applications for employment adjustment subsidies online, which began operating on the 20th, due to a system problem. There is no prospect of its resumption.

(2) According to an investigation by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the same IDs were assigned to those who applied at the same time, and the names, mobile phone numbers and email addresses of those who registered first were available for inspection. Passwords and payroll information could have been leaked as well.

Nakajima’s analysis of this situation is as follows.

The “same ID is assigned to the person who applied at the same time” part is very important, a mistake that would never happen if any decent person was involved in software development.

The following points are enumerated as causes

1.IT general contractors ordered by the government have no one who can write software themselves, so they just write the specifications and leave it to the subcontractors.

  1. The subcontractor hires non-professional temporary employees who have not studied software in college for low wages and write code in poor working conditions
  2. There is no custom or system for reviewing written code.

We spend a lot of time meeting with clients, reviewing specifications, and writing quotations, but we don’t spend a lot of time improving the quality of code.

  1. the IT general contractor has amakudari from the government and the subcontracted software company has amakudari from the IT general contractor working as board members, advisors and consultants. They do very little work and get paid high salaries on eloquence alone.

In response, Nakajima proposed the following solution.

I would like to suggest a very good way to break through this situation. All government software is done in the form of open source. The sketchy requirements and budgets are created by the government, and the actual software is publicized.

The advantages of this method are as follows

(1) Because it is open source, what is created becomes the common property of the people (actually, humanity), and what is created by one local government can be used by another local government.

(1) Because it will be a game of merit, we can break away from the collusion between the public and private sectors through revolving doors.

(1) The elimination of intermediate exploitation groups such as IT general contractors and temporary staffing companies gives an advantage to elite freelance groups when winning orders, creating liquidity in the human resources market.

(1) A new way of working is possible, where personnel are gathered for each project (without creating a company).

Nakajima’s awareness of the problems and his proposals for solutions are very important and highly effective.

But unfortunately, I don’t think these solutions will ever come to fruition in Japan. The cause is the widespread exploitation of Japan. These facts became apparent in the coronavirus countermeasures. It is an intermediate exploitation that has penetrated to the marrow of the bones. Taxpayers’ money is being funneled to people who don’t do their jobs.

The amount of money that goes to the people who actually do the work is really very small. Then you can’t make a good work.