■20200618(木曜日:曇) Turn a misfortune into a blessing















Turn a misfortune into a blessing

■ I ran this morning. I ran the usual course of 6.11km and accumulated 67.04km in 12 runs this month. With 12 days left, 32.95km have been left to run 100km a month.

The remaining 12 days require 33km, so if I run 6km once every two days, I’ll be in time. The calculation is within reach of the goal, but it is in the middle of the rainy season, so I can’t be careful until I reach it.

Since I had been running for three consecutive days this morning, I couldn’t feel comfortable, but I couldn’t help but feel happy when I bite cold tomatoes after running.

■ By the way, the Governor of Tokyo election will be announced today. About 20 people are expected to run. I expect that there will be a lively debate centered around Yuriko Koike, who is incumbent.

On the 17th, an online joint conference was held hosted by the Japan Press Club, where major prospective candidates discussed. I was able to see the interview online. According to one criticism, “Governor Koike, who lacks concreteness, and candidate Yamamoto, who has too little concreteness,” said.

In this morning’s Tokyo Shimbun “Special News Department”, a special feature of the governor’s election was set up. It tells us that the opposition joint struggle is turning. Although various interpretations have been made, it is an argument that he may be taking advantage of his current position in the sense that the opposition unification candidate was not established.

The biggest problem I think is that the Constitutional Democratic Party, which is the first opposition party, and the National Democratic Party are not seriously discussing how to get the support of voters for the general election. ..

As President Yamamoto has always said, it is important for the opposition parties to be in one lump, but it is true that it is not enough for the administration to succeed. That’s exactly what Mr. Yamamoto said that a tax cut to 5 percent consumption tax is the minimum condition for opposition party fighting.

It’s a pity that the Constitutional Democratic Party, the first opposition party, can’t decide on this point. When they claim that it is important to keep the constitution, there is no point in breaking the lives of the people. It is unlikely that Representative Edano only thinks about the lives of the people in the first place, simply by giving them a bail from the top. Then the opposition cannot beat the ruling party.

By touching the voters directly, Yamamoto must have realized this point with a sense of the skin. Shouldn’t the opposition lawmakers think seriously about that point and think about how to act to rebuild the lives of the people?

As it is now, people’s lives are falling to the bottom.

The Governor of Tokyo election is not a national election, but it has a great meaning in that it reconsiders the lives of the people. And each one must seriously think about how to steer the country from now on toward a surely held general election next year.

Nothing good has happened to the people’s lives due to the new coronavirus, but if voters can seriously rethink the future of the country, it is possible to “turn a misfortune into a blessing”.