■20200624(水曜日:晴れ) Summer solstice






4月26日から、このブログもGoogle翻訳や DeepL のウェブサイトを利用して英語版を作り始めました。いわゆる人工知能を用いた翻訳サービスです。こうした作業を毎日繰り返すようになって新たな発見がありました。








Summer solstice

I ran this morning. I ran 6.08km on the usual course and recorded 85.30km in 14 runs this month. In the remaining 6 days, I have left 14.69km to run 100km a month.

According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow morning. It will be difficult to achieve the goal if you do not run properly during the rainy season. I’m relieved that I’ll manage to reach my goal. But I still can’t feel relieved.

I woke up before 5am this morning, got up and left the vinyl debris in place and started running after the preparatory exercise. The sun was strong from the morning, and when I was running, the morning sun felt very dazzling.

■ By the way, I have been reading the original text of Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea” on my Kindle before going to bed for the past few days. I’ve been trying this over and over again since high school, and each time, I’ve had a setback.

From April 26th, this blog also started making English version using Google Translate and DeepL website. This is a translation service that uses so-called artificial intelligence. I was able to repeat these tasks every day and made new discoveries.

When you translate a sentence written in Japanese into English on the site, it does not come out as expected. At first, I thought that artificial intelligence wasn’t a big deal, but then I realized that what wasn’t a big deal was my own Japanese sentences, not artificial intelligence.

In other words, I realized that the Japanese sentences I wrote were very ambiguous, and they contained many parts that were difficult for others to read correctly. To me, this was a huge discovery.

Although the person who wrote the text knows what he intended in the text he wrote, it does not necessarily mean that the intended content is correctly expressed in the text. The texts we write are not literary works, so the most important thing is that they are easy to understand and correct.

It is Japanese that needs to be corrected while comparing English translated by artificial intelligence and the original Japanese. There are a few things like making sentences as short as possible, making the subject and predicate as close as possible, and clearly specifying the subject, etc., but by doing so, translation accuracy will definitely improve.

Writing the Japanese language that produces a proper translated text is the most convenient way to write Japanese that is easy to understand. This was a big discovery for me.

By making the English version of the blog, the ability to read “The Old Man and the Sea” has also improved dramatically.

■ By the way, the summer solstice this year was Sunday, June 21st. In other words, the day is the longest day of the year (the time from sunrise to sunset) in the Northern Hemisphere, so it is familiar as the longest day of the year. Around noon, many people feel the summer solstice by seeing a very short shadow because the sun almost passes directly above.

It can be said that the daytime will be shortened every day starting from the 22nd, and winter will be approaching day by day. It’s strange because the full-scale summer has just begun.