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I’m sure I was tired yesterday, but I was more comfortable than I wanted to run. It’s June 15th today, so it’s in the middle of the month. The total mileage this month is almost half, so I’m able to stack as planned. The weather this week isn’t so bad, so it’s likely that I’ll be able to sleep well and build up more.

■ By the end of this week, candidates for the Tokyo Governor election will be closed. I really want the representative of Taro Yamamoto of Reiwa Sinsengumi to run. Tokuuma Utsunomiya is running for opposition. I think the opinion that opposition party votes will be distributed and will benefit Koike is reasonable.

However, if it continues as it is, there is a great possibility that Taro Yamamoto will be buried. Due to a coronavirus infection, the street address that Taro Yamamoto is good at cannot be done. In other words, we are unable to directly appeal to our voters for their claims. Although I am sending information firmly on the net, it is still difficult to get many people to listen even in terms of number, and it is possible to get more voters to understand by appealing on the street I think it is more important than ever.

Governor Kataya Koike diverts taxes to his election measures, and is appearing on TV including commercials. It is unavoidable that many voters get hooked during the operation of Governor Koike, who appears on TV to incite the fear of coronaviruses and pretends to take proper measures against it.

It is important for Taro Yamamoto to run as a candidate and let as many voters as possible know about the policies that have been appealed until now through the media such as television. I think his candidacy is worth it.

■ 100% change of government is not possible with the current opposition parties. In that case, Japan’s decline, poverty, and worsening security are inevitable. Japan is only deteriorating. At any rate, we have to change the flow.

We have to carry out politics with the most common sense. It’s a jargon word, but there’s a word that “you can’t stand without your trust.” In short, politics cannot be done without the trust of the people in politics. I read that Prime Minister Abe used to say this word before, but I felt that there were no more bad black jokes.

We must change such politics as soon as possible. All we have to do is to engage in politics in accordance with the common sense we use as the norm of behavior. Every day, we repeat the very obvious thing that a red traffic light stops and a green light progresses. Don’t let people get hurt, don’t trick people, this is also common sense.

However, such common sense is completely lost in current politics. All I want to do is to lie in front of the people with ease, tamper with the official documents, and even change the law. If things like this pass, society and the country will collapse.

In any case, we must make it a common sense country. There is little time left.