■20200619(金曜日:雨) A snowy night




大学病院に勤務していましたが、ある日仕事を終え家に帰るのが夜中の 0 時を回っていました。雪国に暮らすのは初めてでしたが、帰る段になって驚きました。雪が降り積もりワイパーは凍ってしまい、車で帰ることができなくなってしまったのです。つまりは家まで歩くしかありませんでした。

1 時間近くかかったように記憶しています。幸い雪は止んでいたうえに風もなく、吹雪かれるということはありませんでした。もう零時を回っていましたので、行き交う車もほとんどなく、本当に静かな夜でした。



A snowy night

I took a good rest this morning. It has been raining since yesterday. Of course it’s in the middle of the rainy season. It’s quiet on a rainy morning and I like it. However, I can’t run, so I don’t want to have a long rainy morning.

I like snowy nights more. But as long as I live in Shizuoka prefecture, I can’t expect such a night. When I lived in Toyama prefecture more than 30 years ago, I had a wonderful snowy night.

I worked at a university hospital at that time, but it was the first time I lived in a snowy country. One day I finished work and went home at midnight. I was surprised when I got home that night. It was snowing and the wiper was frozen and I couldn’t drive home. In other words, I had no choice but to walk home.

I remember it took about an hour. Fortunately, the snow had stopped, there was no wind, and there was no blizzard. It was already midnight, so there was almost no car and it was a really quiet night.

I still remember vividly that night when I walked back home alone. It was a bright night, unexpectedly because it was covered in snow. The temperature dropped and the snow was frozen, so I could slip and fall, or I could get caught in a drainage ditch in the accumulated snow, so I went home with caution. I didn’t pass each other until I got home.

It was a really quiet and nice snowy night.