■20200929(火曜日:曇) a “high threshold” state


■今朝は走りました。6.07 km を積み重ね、これで今月は11回のランで75.63 kmとなり、残り1日で月100 km 走達成まで24.36 km を残しています。目標達成は絶望的です。でも無理をしても意味がありません。来月は達成できるように、計画を練る予定です。


今日は初めてフリースを着て外に出ました。 T シャツ一枚では寒いのではないかと心配したのです。走り始めてしばらくすると、やはり汗をかき始め、ちょうど折り返し地点のところでフリースを脱ぎました。真冬に走る時にはフリースは絶対に必要となります。










a “high threshold” state

■I ran this morning. I’ve piled up 6.07 km, which is 75.63 km in 11 runs this month, leaving 24.36 km to reach 100 km a month in the remaining day. Achieving the goal is hopeless. But there is no point in overdoing it. I plan to make a plan so that I can achieve it next month.

I woke up at 5 o’clock this morning, but I didn’t feel like getting up right away. It was around 5:30 when I managed to get ready and start running. Anyway, it’s okay to be slow, so I ran little by little.

I wore a fleece for the first time today and went out. I was worried that a single T-shirt would be cold. Shortly after I started running, I started sweating and took off my fleece just at the turning point. A fleece is a must when running in the middle of winter.

■ By the way, an interesting article was written in the “Hissen” section of the Tokyo Shimbun the other day. “Public opinion poll on national language”.

About 60% of the respondents thought that “the threshold is high” was “too high-class and difficult to enter” rather than the original “difficult to go home because of unreasonableness to the other party”.

The author wrote:

“Isn’t it unreasonable? Some young people may not understand the” threshold “due to the current housing structure, and the” events “that make it difficult to get in and out due to lack of in-law are no longer commonplace. “

It is also written that there are cases and misuses that lose their original meaning as their lives change, but I would like them to know if possible, and it is also the responsibility of adults who have not been able to convey it well. And finally, it is tied like this.

“The old man in the newspaper column teaches the young man.

There will be Tora-san from the movie. Tora-san, who ran out of the house after cutting off the sword, is returning, but he is moody in front of the house. That is a “high threshold” state.

Eh, don’t you know Tora-san? “

Dialogue between different generations is difficult at any given time.