■20200907(月曜日:曇) Hakuro





昨日は休日当番医でしたので2週間の間休みなしで働くという形になります。 日中は相変わらず30°を超える暑さが続いていますが、日暮れとともに以前のような 蒸し暑さは遠のいたようです。

スポーツの世界も次第に日常を取り戻しつつあります。プロ野球は入場者数を制限した観客の下で試合が行われています。5,000人未満です。 Jリーグサッカーは無観客で行なっています。プロゴルフでは男子も先週末開幕し、先行した女子ゴルフとともに、ようやく 選手たちの活躍を知ることができるようになりました。







Since last night, typhoon No. 10 has been approaching the Kyushu area, and the TV shows are full of programs to explain the fate of the typhoon. Television reports show that residents are not staying at home, but rushing out in droves to safer hotels. This is the kind of action that has been taken by people who have been hit by the typhoon many times before.

It seems that many of the victims are still struggling to cope with this typhoon even though they have not fully recovered from the last one.

Here in Numazu, it’s just after 7 o’clock and there are still rain clouds in the west but there are faint blue skies in the south. The weather forecast for last night called for rain all day, so I took it easy and did not run this morning.

I was the doctor on holiday yesterday, so I will be working for two weeks without a break. It’s still hot and humid during the daytime, but as the sun goes down, the heat and humidity seems to have faded away.

The sports world is starting to get back to normal. Professional baseball games are played with a limited number of spectators, less than 5,000. J-League soccer is played without an audience. In professional golf, the men’s golf tournament started last weekend and we can finally see the success of the players along with the women’s golf tournament, which has already started.

The daily life that we took for granted has been changed by the new coronavirus, and we can realize how grateful we are for the things we take for granted.

Today is the white dew. It’s the fifteenth turning point from the first day of spring. It’s the second half of the 24 seasons before I knew it.

The rice in the paddies on both sides of the road are ripening and it looks like “the rice ears are hanging down to bear fruit”. It seemed like just yesterday that the rice planting was over, but now we are entering the harvest season in the blink of an eye.

There may be some parts of the country where typhoons may ruin the rice that has grown into a good crop. This year, the rainy season has been long and rainy, literally. Vegetables could not be harvested and the prices were high. After the end of the rainy season, the heat wave turned into a scorching hot summer and the temperature was too high to harvest the crops. Then came the typhoon.

Farmers may only have a few moments of peace and tranquility throughout the year.