■20200930(水曜日:晴れ) Midway



新聞一面の書き出しは、「地価回復 急ブレーキ」です。多くの観光客が訪れ消費が喚起され、1964年の再来になるはずでした。世の中本当に何が起こるかわかりません。政界ではありませんが、まさに一寸先は闇なのです。

■今朝の東京新聞「論壇時評」では、中島岳志東京工業大学教授が「安倍内閣の総括」について書かれています。副題は「アベノミクス 憲法改正」、「道半ば」の幻想が本質。

安倍内閣は7年8ヶ月にもわたる長期政権だったのですが、 その長期政権の秘訣に迫った分析です。安倍政権は「トリクルダウン」つまり富裕層がより豊かになることで、低所得の貧困層にも富が滴り落ちる、利益が再配分されるという経済理論を訴えていました。いくら時間が経っても結局のところ雫は落ちてくることなく、実質賃金はむしろ低下し、預貯金ゼロ世帯や非正規雇用の数は増え、格差は拡大しました。

憲法改正も折に触れ主張されてきましたが全く達成されませんでした。 中島先生によれば、まさにこれが安倍長期政権の秘訣であったと指摘しているのです。





菅政権は安倍政権を継承すると訴えています。デジタル庁を創設し5年後にはデジタル社会を作り上げると約束しています。穿った見方をすれば、菅政権は結局のところ、何十年も前から唱えられている社会のデジタル化を達成することなく、道半ばのまま 5 年間の長期政権を目指しているのかもしれません。何しろ忠実な安倍政権の継承内閣ですから。またしても悪夢の 5 年間になりそうです。


Today is the end of September 2020. There are only 3 months left. This year is likely to be a year at the mercy of the new coronavirus. With the Tokyo Olympics being held, it was supposed to be a rosy year at the beginning of the year, but when the year began, it became a hellish year.

The first page of the newspaper this morning is “Land price recovery sudden braking”. It was supposed to be back in 1964, with many tourists visiting and stimulating consumption. I don’t know what really happens in the world. It’s not in politics, but it’s just one step ahead of darkness.

■ In this morning’s Tokyo Shimbun “Commentary”, Takeshi Nakajima, a professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology, wrote about “Summary of the Abe Cabinet”. The subtitles are “Abenomics Constitutional Amendment” and the illusion of “midway”.

The Abe Cabinet was a long-term government for 7 years and 8 months. This is an analysis that approaches the secret of the long-term administration. The Abe administration has advocated the economic theory of “trickle-down,” that is, the richer the rich, the dripping of wealth and the reallocation of profits to the low-income poor. No matter how much time passed, the drops did not fall after all, real wages rather declined, the number of households with zero deposits and savings and the number of non-regular employment increased, and the gap widened.

Constitutional amendments have been argued from time to time, but have never been achieved. According to Professor Nakajima, this was exactly the secret of the Abe long-term administration.

He says that the essence of the Abe administration is “getting support by not realizing it.” It is symbolized by the fact that the word that Prime Minister Abe appealed at each election was “midway.”

Many people have come to expect it at every election. “If that profit is a little more, it may come to me.” “If I continue to support it a little more, I may also benefit.” It is argued that such thoughts may have motivated the Abe Cabinet to cast a vote.

The true intention that Prime Minister Abe once leaked is that “the most important thing is to pretend that he is doing it,” but this also accurately expresses the reality of Abe’s long-term administration.

Of course, this was not something that Prime Minister Abe personally came up with, and he probably had a wise man on his side. I think it’s a tactic that has a very good grasp of the psychology of voters or the general public.

The Suga administration is claiming to succeed the Abe administration. The administration has created the Digital Agency and promises to create a digital society five years from now. From the point of view, the Suga administration is, after all, aiming for a five-year long-term administration in the middle of the road without achieving the digitization of society that has been advocated for decades. It may be. After all, it is a faithful succession cabinet of the Abe administration. It’s going to be another five years of nightmares.