■20210103(日曜日:晴れ) Light and Shadow



早速休憩室のテレビを見てみると箱根駅伝の10区の様子を放映していました。1位が創価大学、二位が駒澤大学ということで、 間違いなく創価大学が往路のリードを守って優勝するだろうと判断しシャワーを浴びて帰ることにしました。

しかし帰ってみてびっくり仰天。まさかまさかの駒澤大学の逆転優勝でした。本当に勝負事は下駄を履くまでわからないということです。 最後まで安心してはいけないし諦めてもいけないというのは勝負事のようです。

ゴルフの方は朝一番でスタートですので体を温める暇もなく前半はあっちへ行ったりこっちへ行ったりの四苦八苦でした。 でも楽しくプレイすることができたのは本当にありがたいことです。今年も一年無事に楽しくプレーできることを祈りました。

■さて今この作業をしているのは、元 Windows パソコンでしたがKona Linux をインストールして使用しています。安定していますし動作も機敏だからです。

このパソコンで青空文庫に収納してある著作権の切れた名作を読めないかと調べてみると、Linux用のaozora というアプリがありました。このアプリで文字を大きめにして太宰治の作品や山本周五郎の作品を楽しみ始めました。

Amazon の Fire タブレットで読むのが大きさ的には楽なのですが、残念ながら Android 系であるにも関わらず、 Amazon はこのアプリのインストールをできないようにしているようです。

誰でもが無料で楽しめるはずの青空文庫の収納作品も Amazon は有料で販売しています。ボランティアの皆さんの意思をある意味では無視する形で営業活動をしているわけです。

税金をほとんど払っていないとか、労働環境がブラックだとか、 Amazon に関してはいくつもの疑問点が指摘されています。



Light and Shadow

■Today I enjoyed my first round of golf in 2021. I played with my good friends Mr. Hisamatsu and Mr. and Mrs. Endo. Fortunately, there was almost no wind and it was a warm day for golf. We were able to play at the earliest start time of 7:39 a.m., so it was 1:00 in the afternoon when we finished playing.

As soon as I finished playing, I went to the rest room to watch the television, which was showing the 10th section of the Hakone Ekiden, with Soka University in first place and Komazawa University in second place, so I decided to take a shower and go home.

However, when I returned home, I was surprised to see that Komazawa University had won. You really don’t know the outcome of a game until you put on your geta. It’s like a game of chance that you can’t be relieved or give up until the end.

Since I was the first one to start, I didn’t have time to warm up and had a hard time going this way and that in the first half. However, I am very grateful that I was able to play happily. I prayed that we would be able to play safely and happily for another year.

■The computer I’m working on now is a former Windows PC, but I’ve installed Kona Linux on it and am using it. I’m using Kona Linux, which was formerly a Windows PC, because it’s stable and agile.

When I looked into the possibility of using this computer to read the copyright expired masterpieces stored in Aozora Bunko, I found an application called aozora for Linux. I found an app called aozora for Linux. With this app, I started to enjoy the works of Osamu Dazai and Shugoro Yamamoto by enlarging the text.

Reading on Amazon’s Fire tablet is easier in terms of size, but unfortunately, Amazon seems to have disabled the installation of this app, even though it is an Android-based app.

Amazon also sells the Aozora Bunko collection, which is supposed to be free for everyone to enjoy, for a fee. In a sense, Amazon is ignoring the will of the volunteers in their sales activities.

Many questions have been raised about Amazon, such as the fact that it pays almost no taxes and that its working environment is black.

The company’s founder, Jeff Bezos, is now the richest man in the world. There is no doubt that he has shown great talent as a manager, but it is also true that he has a number of problems that we cannot simply be jealous of.

This is one of the typical companies where the light and the shadow of globalization are coexisting.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)