■20210128(木曜日:曇) Grandson’s birthday


■今朝は走りました。 昨日は雨の一日でしたが、今朝の3時から6時までの降水確率は0%でしたので、安心して目覚まし時計を4時半に合わせました。 いつものように10時半頃寝床に入り、しばらく本を読んでから11時頃眠りに付きました。0時過ぎに1度目が覚めたのですが、その後はぐっすりと眠れたようです。


■今朝は今月11回目のランで10.11 km を積み重ね、総計96.21 km、 月100 km 走まで残り3 日で3.78 km となりました。1時間2分7秒で10.11 km を走っていますので平均ペースはキロ6分8秒となります。自分としては決して悪くありません。


それでも平均ペースは決して悪くありませんので、自分の感じている辛さと走り具合とは、また別なのでしょうか。 4.5 km を過ぎたあたりからはキロ5分台のペースで、ずっと走り続けていますので 、苦しい中でもきちんと走っていたことは間違いなさそうです。

記録によれば今月 11 回走っていますが、最も良いペースで走ったのが実は今日だったのです。走ってる間は、あれだけ苦しく感じていたのに意外と言えば意外です。いよいよ、あと一回走れば目標の月100 km 走を達成できます。2021年も無事にスタートしたことになります。

今日は初孫のMasatoの誕生日です。時々ビデオレターを送ってきてくれていますので、成長の様子が手に取るように分かります。1ヶ月前とは本当に別人の如く成長しています。ハイハイをしていたのが、次に届いたビデオでは、ひょいひょい歩いているのに驚くばかりです。 無事に成長してくれていることに、ほっとしています。


Grandson’s birthday

■I ran this morning. It was a rainy day yesterday, but the probability of precipitation from 3:00 to 6:00 this morning was 0%, so I set the alarm clock to 4:30 with confidence. As usual, I went to bed around 10:30, read a book for a while, and then fell asleep around 11:00. I woke up for the first time after midnight, but after that it seems that I slept soundly. I woke up a little before 4:30 and started running after the preparatory exercise. The wind started to blow strongly from the middle of this morning. According to the weather forecast, a low pressure system will develop in the Sea of ​​Japan, and a blizzard will occur on the Sea of ​​Japan side of the Hokuriku and Tohoku regions. The Pacific side also seems to rain at night.

■This morning, the 11th run of the month accumulated 10.11 km, bringing the total to 96.21 km and 3.78 km in the remaining three days to run 100 km a month. Since I was running 10.11 km in 1 hour, 2 minutes and 7 seconds, the average pace is 6 minutes and 8 seconds. Not bad for me. But while I was running, it was a very difficult time. After entering the schoolyard of the elementary school, I started running with the timer set to 45 minutes, but I felt it was very long. I checked the clock twice on the way and couldn’t resist the temptation to know the remaining time. Even so, the average pace is not bad at all, so is it different from the spiciness and running condition that I feel? From around 4.5 km, I’ve been running at a pace of 5 minutes per kilometer, so I’m sure I was running properly even in a difficult situation. According to the record, I ran 11 times this month, but it was actually today that I ran at the best pace. While I was running, I felt so painful, but it was surprising. Finally, if I run one more time, I can reach your goal of 100 km per month. It will have started safely in 2021.

■Today is the birthday of my first grandson Masato. Yuko-san sends me video letters from time to time, so we can see how he is growing. Masato is really growing like a different person from a month ago. He was hi-hi, but in the next video we received, it was amazing that he was walking a little. I am relieved that he has grown up safely. Now that the corona is bad, it’s difficult to get to and from each other, so I can’t meet them, but if he is fine, I’m happy. I am looking forward to seeing him next time.