■20210106(水曜日:晴れ) The Modern Slave Trade


■今朝は走るつもりで目覚ましを5時に合わせていたのですが、起き出しことができませんでした。 暖かい布団が私を離してくれなかったのです。



■今朝の東京新聞8面「再始動 コロナの世界で生きる:難民 行き場失い路上生活」はアフリカからの難民が押し寄せるイタリア、フランスの状況を報道しています。

EU の域内に130万人が流入した2015年の欧州難民危機からの課題だった難民受け入れの現行制度見直しは、一筋縄ではいかないようです。シリアやリビアなど、以前は安定した国々が内乱状態となり、無数の難民が欧州を目指しました。




The Modern Slave Trade

This morning I had set my alarm for 5:00 a.m. with the intention of running, but I couldn’t get up. The warm comforter wouldn’t let me go.

I suddenly realized that it was already 5:40. There was nothing I could do about it. There is no point in lamenting about it, as it depends on my sleep that night and my physical condition at that time.

There is still a long way to go this month, so I have no choice but to look at the calendar, plan ahead, and steadily accumulate.

This morning’s Tokyo Shimbun, page 8, “Restarting Life in Corona’s World: Refugees Losing Their Way and Living on the Streets,” reports on the situation in Italy and France where refugees from Africa are pouring in.

The review of the current system for accepting refugees, which has been an issue since the European refugee crisis of 2015, when 1.3 million people entered the EU, does not seem to be a straightforward process. As previously stable countries such as Syria and Libya turned into civil wars, countless refugees made their way to Europe.

In some ways, Europe seems to be a victim or a generous country for accepting refugees. But is that really the case? It has been pointed out that Western powers are behind the political upheavals, including the color revolutions in North Africa.

The refugees who seem to have been welcomed with open arms may have found themselves in a harsh reality where they were simply used as cheap labor.

Depending on how you look at it, this flow of people can be seen as the slave trade of the 21st century. Simply calling poor Africa and the EU a generous, free, and democratic nation is a distraction from reality. When will the time come when these distorted relationships will end?

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)