■20210127(水曜日:雨) Post



この雨でまた富士山が白さを増して、冬らしい見事な富士になるでしょう。結局5時15分には起きだして、朝食の準備を始めました。 結構雨が強く降っているので、1階の玄関から新聞を取り出し2階の居間に戻りました。


沼津朝日に投稿するのは3年ぶりでしょうか。 2018年に行なったベトナム枯葉剤被害者支援の旅の様子を報告した「娘の幸せ」以来です。

昔は年に何回も投稿したものです。インターネットが一般に解放され、ブラウザーとしてモザイクやネットスケープが登場して一斉を風靡した頃から、 文字通りインターネットにはまりました。今では当たり前のことが、とても新鮮でワクワク感が一杯だったのです。それを題材に何度も投稿したものです。




■I knew from the weather forecast last night that it was raining this morning, so I set the alarm clock at 6 o’clock and took a rest. But before that, I woke up at 5 o’clock and finally spent some time dozing. A warm morning is the best luxury time for me. This rain will make Mt. Fuji whiter again, and it will become a wonderful winter-like Mt. Fuji. After all, I got up at 5:15 and started preparing breakfast. It was raining quite heavily, so I took out the newspaper from the entrance on the first floor and returned to the living room on the second floor.

■Looking at the local newspaper, Numazu Asahi, the manuscript I posted the other day was published. It is “thinking”. This is a description of the second lecture at Hohira Junior High School, which was held in 2019. Is it the first time in 3 years to post to Numazu Asahi? This is the first time since “Daughter’s Happiness”, which reported on the trip to support Vietnamese defoliant victims in 2018.

In the old days, I posted it many times a year. From the time when the Internet was released to the general public and mosaics and Netscape appeared as browsers and dominated all at once, I was literally addicted to the Internet. What is now commonplace is very fresh and exciting. I posted it many times on the subject.

In this manuscript, “Thinking,” I wrote about children who think about the victims in Vietnam, which is far away. According to a report by the Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University, the decisive difference between chimbungee and Homo sapiens is that you can think beyond time and space. After hearing the first lecture, the children became interested in it, and after thinking about what they could do, they started the fund-raising activity. This time, I was able to receive the results in front of all the students.