■20210107(木曜日:晴れ、強風) Bomb low pressure





結局今日はいつものコースを5.27 km走り、今月は3回のランで20.96 km を積み重ね、月100 km 走までは残り24日79.03 km のところまで来ました。家に帰ってトイレに駆け込み、なんとかギリギリセーフでした。残念ながら、こればかりは致し方ありません。

走ってる間も西風が強く吹き荒れ、グランドを周回している度に、向かい風と追い風の繰り返しでした。 いま時刻は6時23分です。窓の外では強風が吹き荒れています。



蔓延防止策として午後8時までの営業時間短縮を要請したのは飲食店の他、一定の規模をもつ百貨店、運動施設や遊技場など。 要請に応じない場合は施設名を公表するとのことです。これによって飲食店などの苦境が、さらに深まりそうです。 

Bomb low pressure

■I didn’t run for two days, so I had enough rest this morning. I had my alarm clock set at 5 o’clock, but I woke up at 4 o’clock an hour ago. If I fell asleep again here, it would be difficult to get up this time, so I took the plunge and started preparing.

When I listen carefully, I hear the sound of the wind outside the window. According to the weather forecast last night, it was predicted that a cyclone would occur in the Sea of ​​Japan from today, and a snowstorm would occur in the Hokuriku and Tohoku regions. Fortunately, it is unlikely that it will snow in the eastern part of Shizuoka Prefecture, but the wind is likely to increase.

After the preparatory exercise, I started running. After arriving at the schoolyard of the elementary school, I started a timer that was set to 45 minutes. However, something went wrong on the way. I wanted to go to the bathroom. From my experience so far, I was worried before I started running, but my anxiety was right. I managed to cheat and continue running, but I decided that it was time for the tide, so I stopped running and headed home.

After all, I ran 5.27 km on my usual course today, and this month I piled up 20.96 km in three runs, and I have reached 79.03 km with 24 days left until I run 100 km a month. I went home and rushed to the bathroom, and it was barely safe. Unfortunately, this is all I can do.

The westerly wind blew strongly while I was running, and every time I went around the ground, there were repeated headwinds and tailwinds. The time is now 6:23. Strong winds are blowing outside the window.

■ It is reported in the Tokyo Shimbun this morning that the new coronavirus is rampant. The number of people infected with the new coronavirus reported on January 6 was 6,004 in Japan, exceeding 6,000 for the first time, the highest number for the second consecutive day. Compared to January 5, the number of people has increased by more than 1,000, which is an explosive increase.

Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa prefectures, which are the subjects of the state of emergency, account for nearly half of the total. It seems that the recurrence of the emergency will be decided today, and it seems that it is expected until February 7.

As a measure to prevent the spread, it was restaurants, department stores of a certain size, sports facilities and amusement parks that requested shortening of business hours until 8:00 pm. If the request is not accepted, the authorities will announce the facility name. This is likely to further worsen the business conditions of restaurants and the like.