■20210104(月曜日:晴れ) Injustice




今朝は小学校のグランドを30分走りましたので、 7.35 km を積み重ねることができました。今月は2回のランで15.69 km を走り、月100 km 走までは残り27日で84.30 km のところまで来ました。まだまだ先は長いのですが、少しずつ積み重ねていくしかありません。

今日のペースは1 km あたり6分31秒とランニング・ウォッチは教えてくれています。 以前道路の上を走っていた頃と比較すると、キロ当たり1分近くペースが上がっています。

でこぼこがあったり、車がやってきたりする道路の上と違い、ただ走ることだけに専念できる校庭では、これほどまでに違うのかと数字を見て驚いています。 大した負担でもないのですが、道路の上ですと多少の高低差も出てきます。

実際のマラソン大会ではこの高低差が結構負担になるのです。愛野駅からエコパスタジアムまでの上り一色となる、袋井クラウンメロンマラソンの最後の2 km のような極端な例は別としても、千歳マラソンでも最初の10キロ以上は上りのコースとなっています。

しかし実際に辛いのは最初の10 km の上りよりも、その後の途中のコースで出現するアップダウンのほうが、ずっと辛く感じます。体力の消耗のためなのでしょう。

■さて今朝の東京新聞社説では「不公平も拡大している 年のはじめに考える」と題して書かれています。 1999年夏、チェコの元首相で当時上院副議長だったペトル・ピトハルト氏から筆者が接聞き取った言葉から、この社説は書き始められています。「一部の連中だけが賢く立ち回って金持ちになり、残りは置き去りになっている」 。


そして現在は皆さんご存知の通りGAFAを筆頭に巨大IT 企業が、文字通り巨大な利益を上げているのです。


所得や資産に差があるのは当然です。 国民全員の貯金通帳の額が同じであるはずがないのと同様です。しかしいま世界で起こっているこの格差は、もはや社会を健全に維持するレベルを超えていると私は感じています。

人は誰でも豊かになりたいと当然思います。私利私欲の塊であるのも当然です。しかし全員が「今だけ 金だけ 自分だけ」という思いで走り続ければ、その先に待っているのは暴力しかありません。

社会の存在する意味は、そうした人間の愚かさを暴走させないためにあるのです。 資本主義という仕組みの限界が、うすらぼんやりと見えてきたように感じるのは私だけでしょうか。



I ran this morning. My plan was to set my alarm for 5:00 a.m. and run as usual, but I was so tired this morning that I couldn’t get up easily. I lingered in the futon for about 10 minutes, wondering whether to get up or not.

I thought it would be okay if I walked off without pushing myself, and I felt better and was able to get up. After getting dressed, I left the house and started my run after doing my preparatory exercises, following my usual course.

This morning I ran on the elementary school ground for 30 minutes, so I was able to accumulate 7.35 km. I have run 15.69 km in two runs this month, and I have reached 84.30 km with 27 days left to run 100 km per month. I still have a long way to go, but I have to keep building up little by little.

Today’s pace was 6 minutes and 31 seconds per kilometer, according to my running watch. Compared to when I used to run on the road, my pace has increased by almost a minute per kilometer.

I was surprised to see how different it is on the school grounds where I can just focus on running, as opposed to on the road where there are bumps and cars coming and going. It’s not much of a burden, but on the road, there is a slight difference in elevation.

In an actual marathon, this difference in elevation can be quite a burden. Aside from extreme cases such as the last 2 km of the Fukuroi Crown Melon Marathon, which is an uphill run from Aino Station to Ecopa Stadium, the first 10 km or more of the Chitose Marathon is also an uphill course.

However, the ups and downs that appear in the course after that are much harder than the uphill in the first 10 km. I guess it’s because of the physical exhaustion.

This morning’s editorial in the Tokyo Shimbun is titled “Injustice is growing, too: thoughts at the beginning of the year. This morning’s editorial is titled “Thinking at the Beginning of the Year,” and it begins with a quote from Petr Pitkhardt, former prime minister of the Czech Republic and deputy speaker of the Senate at the time, who told the author in the summer of 1999: “If only a few people are wise, the rest of us will be. Only a few are smart enough to get rich, while the rest are left behind,” he continued.

The editorial goes on to say. In the two world wars, steel, aircraft and chemical manufacturers made huge profits from the military.

In the two world wars, steel, aircraft, and chemical manufacturers made huge profits from the military. And now, as we all know, giant IT companies, led by GAFA, are literally making huge profits.

According to the critic Takuro Morimoto, the assets held by the 26 richest people in the world are at the same level as the assets held by half of the world’s population.

It is not surprising that there are differences in income and assets. It is natural that there are differences in income and assets, just as there is no way that all people have the same amount of money in their savings accounts. However, I feel that the disparity that is occurring in the world today is beyond the level of maintaining a healthy society.

We all want to be rich, of course. It is also natural for people to be selfish. However, if we all continue to run with the mindset of “just for now, just for money, just for me,” the only thing that awaits us is violence.

The meaning of the existence of society is to prevent such human stupidity from getting out of control. Am I the only one who feels that the limits of the capitalist system are becoming dimly visible?

Capitalism is the worst system. “Capitalism is the worst system, except for all the other systems. I think the subject of this phrase was actually democracy, not capitalism, but I don’t think it would be wrong to replace it.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)