2022 年 02 月 11 日 北海道小樽市街と石狩湾です。

月: 2021年1月 Page 3 of 4




■昨日は45分弱で、三津松濤館に到着しました。地図によれば20.5kmとあります。 大した渋滞もなくスムーズに到着できました。夕暮れの海岸から富士山を見ることができました。





三津 松濤館




富山市では記録的な大雪のために除雪が間に合わず、市内の幹線道路ですら車が数珠繋ぎで立ち往生。一時間で二キロしか進まない、とドライバーが嘆いているほどです。市内を走る路面電車、LRT(Light Rail Transit ライトレールトランジット)も不通になってしまうほどです。。 









■シャワーも浴びずに急いで家に帰り、Sunと二人で三津 松濤(しょうとう)館へ急ぎました。Sunが友人と一緒に宿泊して、とても良かったので一緒に行き、隣りにある三津シーパラダイスの下見に行こうと計画してくれたのです。









■今朝のテレビのニュースでは富山市で積雪が1 メートルを超え、境界が分からずに高齢者が排水溝に落ち込んで亡くなったというニュースがありました。富山市で積雪が1 メートルを超えるのは1986年以来35年ぶりだそうです。

私が富山大学に転勤したのが1984年でした。あの時も久しぶりの豪雪だ、とよく言われたものです。1984年のクリスマスイブに仲間と一緒に夕食を取ったのですが、その夜から雪が降り始めました。 クリスマスイブの雪でしたから鮮明に覚えています。

これで根雪になることはないから、 慌ててタイヤを替えたり、タイヤチェーンを装着する必要は無い、と仲間はアドバイスしてくれたものです。ところがその年は例年とは全く異なり、その夜から雪が止むことは結局ありませんでした。 本当に悪戦苦闘の一冬でした。

一晩で63 センチもの積雪があったことを覚えています。 主要道路から少し入ったところのアパートに住んでいた私は、その翌朝には呆然とするしかありませんでした。雪にすっかり埋もれてしまった車を見て、しかも幹線道路までは、とても運転して辿り着けそうになかったのです。

諦めて徒歩でバス停まで行きました。 普段ならたいした距離でもなく、何の問題もなくたどり着けるところに、埋め尽くされた雪のために前に進むことができないのです。本当に驚きました。今富山に住んでおられる方は、きっとあの時の私と同様に悪戦苦闘されているはずです。 


■20210108(金曜日:晴れ) Attack on Democracy


■今朝は走りました。昨日に引き続いてのランニングでしたが、今朝は無事に予定通りの時間を走ることができました。昨日一日強風が吹き荒れ、北陸・東北地方を中心に 豪雪に見舞われたようです。




■さて、今朝は今月4回目のランで7.48 km を走り、28.45 km を積み重ねました。月100 km 走まで残り23日で71.54 km となりました。一応目標ライン8日目としては合格です。



■今朝の東京新聞には「アメリカで議会占拠 4人死亡 トランプ支持者ら撃たれ」という記事が掲載されています。 アメリカ連邦議会は7日民主党のバイデン次期大統領の大統領選の勝利を正式に認定しましたが、トランプ大統領を支持する有権者たちが議会に乱入、議事堂を一時占拠し四人が死亡する混乱が生じました。


また今日の「本音のコラム欄」では「アメリカのクーデター」と題してジャーナリストの北丸雄二さんが、 こうした連邦議事堂乱入の様子は、あの911テロ事件と同じほどの衝撃だったと書かれています。




不正選挙を示唆する多くの証拠があるにもかかわらず、マスコミはその点に一切触れません。 まさにそれこそが民主主義への攻撃なのです。 そのことに触れようとしない大手マスコミに対して、草の根の民衆が異議申し立てをしているという側面があるのです。

そのことに触れずに、大手マスコミと同じような情報を垂れ流していては、 あまり存在価値がないように思えるのは私だけでしょうか。日本にいて、マスコミの報道を見ているだけでは、本当に何が起きているのかを理解することは、とても難しいようです。 

Attack on Democracy

■I ran this morning. After yesterday’s run, I was able to run this morning as planned. Yesterday we had strong winds all day and heavy snowfall mainly in the Hokuriku and Tohoku regions.

Yesterday was the first meeting of the New Year for the Rotary Club, but I received an e-mail in the evening informing me that all meetings have been cancelled for this month due to coronavirus infection control.

Clubs with a large number of members tend to have dense meetings, and it seems that some clubs have been closed since January.

In our club, the seating at the table was changed every two months, and we used to have a get-together called a table meeting every time. In the current situation, we can’t do this, so the opportunities for communication have almost disappeared, and our club life has become really tasteless with only the conversations we have over meals during our regular meetings.

This morning I ran for the fourth time this month, covering 7.48 km and accumulating 28.45 km. I am now 71.54 km away from my goal of running 100 km per month, with 23 days remaining. That’s good enough for the 8th day of my goal line.

When I came home, I turned on the faucet to take a hot shower, but it seems that the water pipes froze. The flow of water from the faucet stopped. The water flowing from the faucet was really trickling, so it was not completely frozen, but I was afraid I would catch a cold while waiting for the hot water to come out, so I gave up and just stopped to wipe myself off.

I had been running for almost 50 minutes, so my body temperature was high enough that I wouldn’t feel cold for a while. However, as I made breakfast and started to eat, I gradually started to feel cold. This is the first time this winter that the water pipes have frozen.

■In this morning’s Tokyo Shimbun, there is an article titled “Congressional Occupation in the U.S.: Four Killed, Trump Supporters Shot. The U.S. Congress officially recognized Democratic President-elect Biden’s victory in the presidential election on July 7, but voters supporting President Trump broke into the Congress and temporarily occupied the building, resulting in confusion and four deaths.

In a speech in his home state of Delaware, President-elect Biden said, “Our democracy is under unprecedented attack. This is not a protest, it’s a riot,” he said, demanding that Trump supporters leave the area.

In today’s “Honne’s Column,” journalist Yuji Kitamaru writes in an article titled “America’s Coup D’etat,” that the attack on the U.S. Capitol was as shocking as the 911 terrorist attacks.

He also wrote, “The threat came from right-wing militias and white supremacists who support Trump,” in a scathing criticism of President Trump.

What I always feel when I read Mr. Kitamura’s columns is a sense of discomfort. What he writes is always very superficial, and I can’t help but feel that he is slipping in some way.

There is no mention of the election fraud allegedly committed by the Democrats. It is not that President Trump alone is making false accusations. The American voters are not that stupid.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that the election was rigged, but the media never mentions it. That is exactly what is an attack on democracy. One aspect of this is that the grassroots people are objecting to the major media’s refusal to address this issue.

Is it just me, or does it seem to me that there is little value in having the same kind of information as the major mass media without mentioning it? It seems to me that it is very difficult to understand what is really going on in Japan just by watching the media reports.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


■20210107(木曜日:晴れ、強風) Bomb low pressure





結局今日はいつものコースを5.27 km走り、今月は3回のランで20.96 km を積み重ね、月100 km 走までは残り24日79.03 km のところまで来ました。家に帰ってトイレに駆け込み、なんとかギリギリセーフでした。残念ながら、こればかりは致し方ありません。

走ってる間も西風が強く吹き荒れ、グランドを周回している度に、向かい風と追い風の繰り返しでした。 いま時刻は6時23分です。窓の外では強風が吹き荒れています。



蔓延防止策として午後8時までの営業時間短縮を要請したのは飲食店の他、一定の規模をもつ百貨店、運動施設や遊技場など。 要請に応じない場合は施設名を公表するとのことです。これによって飲食店などの苦境が、さらに深まりそうです。 

Bomb low pressure

■I didn’t run for two days, so I had enough rest this morning. I had my alarm clock set at 5 o’clock, but I woke up at 4 o’clock an hour ago. If I fell asleep again here, it would be difficult to get up this time, so I took the plunge and started preparing.

When I listen carefully, I hear the sound of the wind outside the window. According to the weather forecast last night, it was predicted that a cyclone would occur in the Sea of ​​Japan from today, and a snowstorm would occur in the Hokuriku and Tohoku regions. Fortunately, it is unlikely that it will snow in the eastern part of Shizuoka Prefecture, but the wind is likely to increase.

After the preparatory exercise, I started running. After arriving at the schoolyard of the elementary school, I started a timer that was set to 45 minutes. However, something went wrong on the way. I wanted to go to the bathroom. From my experience so far, I was worried before I started running, but my anxiety was right. I managed to cheat and continue running, but I decided that it was time for the tide, so I stopped running and headed home.

After all, I ran 5.27 km on my usual course today, and this month I piled up 20.96 km in three runs, and I have reached 79.03 km with 24 days left until I run 100 km a month. I went home and rushed to the bathroom, and it was barely safe. Unfortunately, this is all I can do.

The westerly wind blew strongly while I was running, and every time I went around the ground, there were repeated headwinds and tailwinds. The time is now 6:23. Strong winds are blowing outside the window.

■ It is reported in the Tokyo Shimbun this morning that the new coronavirus is rampant. The number of people infected with the new coronavirus reported on January 6 was 6,004 in Japan, exceeding 6,000 for the first time, the highest number for the second consecutive day. Compared to January 5, the number of people has increased by more than 1,000, which is an explosive increase.

Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa prefectures, which are the subjects of the state of emergency, account for nearly half of the total. It seems that the recurrence of the emergency will be decided today, and it seems that it is expected until February 7.

As a measure to prevent the spread, it was restaurants, department stores of a certain size, sports facilities and amusement parks that requested shortening of business hours until 8:00 pm. If the request is not accepted, the authorities will announce the facility name. This is likely to further worsen the business conditions of restaurants and the like.


■20210106(水曜日:晴れ) The Modern Slave Trade


■今朝は走るつもりで目覚ましを5時に合わせていたのですが、起き出しことができませんでした。 暖かい布団が私を離してくれなかったのです。



■今朝の東京新聞8面「再始動 コロナの世界で生きる:難民 行き場失い路上生活」はアフリカからの難民が押し寄せるイタリア、フランスの状況を報道しています。

EU の域内に130万人が流入した2015年の欧州難民危機からの課題だった難民受け入れの現行制度見直しは、一筋縄ではいかないようです。シリアやリビアなど、以前は安定した国々が内乱状態となり、無数の難民が欧州を目指しました。




The Modern Slave Trade

This morning I had set my alarm for 5:00 a.m. with the intention of running, but I couldn’t get up. The warm comforter wouldn’t let me go.

I suddenly realized that it was already 5:40. There was nothing I could do about it. There is no point in lamenting about it, as it depends on my sleep that night and my physical condition at that time.

There is still a long way to go this month, so I have no choice but to look at the calendar, plan ahead, and steadily accumulate.

This morning’s Tokyo Shimbun, page 8, “Restarting Life in Corona’s World: Refugees Losing Their Way and Living on the Streets,” reports on the situation in Italy and France where refugees from Africa are pouring in.

The review of the current system for accepting refugees, which has been an issue since the European refugee crisis of 2015, when 1.3 million people entered the EU, does not seem to be a straightforward process. As previously stable countries such as Syria and Libya turned into civil wars, countless refugees made their way to Europe.

In some ways, Europe seems to be a victim or a generous country for accepting refugees. But is that really the case? It has been pointed out that Western powers are behind the political upheavals, including the color revolutions in North Africa.

The refugees who seem to have been welcomed with open arms may have found themselves in a harsh reality where they were simply used as cheap labor.

Depending on how you look at it, this flow of people can be seen as the slave trade of the 21st century. Simply calling poor Africa and the EU a generous, free, and democratic nation is a distraction from reality. When will the time come when these distorted relationships will end?

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


■20210105(火曜日:曇) A Prophecy




仕事だけならば良いのですが、 雑用があれこれとありますので、そちらの方で気が重いのです。 引き受けた以上は文句を言っても致し方ありません。永遠に続くわけではありませんので、役職にある間は精一杯やるしかありません。



「ジョー・バイデンは(米国内で)非常に弱い立場なので(外国と)戦争を始めるかもしれない」 。またこうも語ったそうです。「トランプは民主主義や自由の振興には興味がなく、戦争にも関心がなかったが、バイデンは違う。それに民主党の大統領は戦争を始めるものなのだ」。

意外に思われる方が多いはずです。トランプをこき下ろすことが、自分自身の知的レベルの高さを示すことだと誤解しているリベラル主義者が多いのですが、 大切な点を忘れています。







A Prophecy

I woke up at 6:00 a.m. with my alarm. I didn’t run this morning and took it easy. I forgot to take my sleeping pills last night, so I felt like I was dreaming all the time. It was a very strange time, as if I didn’t know whether I was awake or asleep.

Today is the first day of work. We are usually busy at the end of the year, but January is a slow month. Even so, the thought of another year finally starting makes me feel a little heavy.

It would be fine if it was just work, but I have a lot of chores to do, and that makes me feel heavy. I can’t help but complain once I’ve accepted the job. It won’t last forever, so I have no choice but to do my best while I’m in the position.

In this morning’s Tokyo Shimbun, in the “Taro’s International News” section, there is an article about Joe Biden, the next president of the United States.

The article started with the following words from the director of a Chinese think tank to the media: “Joe Biden is the next president of the United States.

He said, “Joe Biden is in a very weak position (in the U.S.) and he might start a war (with a foreign country). He also said. Trump was not interested in promoting democracy and freedom, and he wasn’t interested in war, but Biden is. And Democrat presidents start wars.

Many of you will find this surprising. Many liberals mistakenly believe that disparaging Trump is a sign of their own intellectual level, but they are forgetting an important point.

President Trump is the first president since Eisenhower not to start a new war during his term.

What about President-elect Biden, who “voted for the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, the war in Iraq in 2003, and was an active proponent of the military intervention in Libya in 2011 and the deployment of troops to Syria that same year as vice president of the Obama administration?

And Biden’s aides are all pro-war hawks, according to the report.

Finally, Taro Kimura concludes, “What kind of year will we have?

What kind of year will this be? We can only hope that Director Zheng’s prediction will not come true.

We must not forget that there are such points that never come to light in Japan.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


■20210104(月曜日:晴れ) Injustice




今朝は小学校のグランドを30分走りましたので、 7.35 km を積み重ねることができました。今月は2回のランで15.69 km を走り、月100 km 走までは残り27日で84.30 km のところまで来ました。まだまだ先は長いのですが、少しずつ積み重ねていくしかありません。

今日のペースは1 km あたり6分31秒とランニング・ウォッチは教えてくれています。 以前道路の上を走っていた頃と比較すると、キロ当たり1分近くペースが上がっています。

でこぼこがあったり、車がやってきたりする道路の上と違い、ただ走ることだけに専念できる校庭では、これほどまでに違うのかと数字を見て驚いています。 大した負担でもないのですが、道路の上ですと多少の高低差も出てきます。

実際のマラソン大会ではこの高低差が結構負担になるのです。愛野駅からエコパスタジアムまでの上り一色となる、袋井クラウンメロンマラソンの最後の2 km のような極端な例は別としても、千歳マラソンでも最初の10キロ以上は上りのコースとなっています。

しかし実際に辛いのは最初の10 km の上りよりも、その後の途中のコースで出現するアップダウンのほうが、ずっと辛く感じます。体力の消耗のためなのでしょう。

■さて今朝の東京新聞社説では「不公平も拡大している 年のはじめに考える」と題して書かれています。 1999年夏、チェコの元首相で当時上院副議長だったペトル・ピトハルト氏から筆者が接聞き取った言葉から、この社説は書き始められています。「一部の連中だけが賢く立ち回って金持ちになり、残りは置き去りになっている」 。


そして現在は皆さんご存知の通りGAFAを筆頭に巨大IT 企業が、文字通り巨大な利益を上げているのです。


所得や資産に差があるのは当然です。 国民全員の貯金通帳の額が同じであるはずがないのと同様です。しかしいま世界で起こっているこの格差は、もはや社会を健全に維持するレベルを超えていると私は感じています。

人は誰でも豊かになりたいと当然思います。私利私欲の塊であるのも当然です。しかし全員が「今だけ 金だけ 自分だけ」という思いで走り続ければ、その先に待っているのは暴力しかありません。

社会の存在する意味は、そうした人間の愚かさを暴走させないためにあるのです。 資本主義という仕組みの限界が、うすらぼんやりと見えてきたように感じるのは私だけでしょうか。



I ran this morning. My plan was to set my alarm for 5:00 a.m. and run as usual, but I was so tired this morning that I couldn’t get up easily. I lingered in the futon for about 10 minutes, wondering whether to get up or not.

I thought it would be okay if I walked off without pushing myself, and I felt better and was able to get up. After getting dressed, I left the house and started my run after doing my preparatory exercises, following my usual course.

This morning I ran on the elementary school ground for 30 minutes, so I was able to accumulate 7.35 km. I have run 15.69 km in two runs this month, and I have reached 84.30 km with 27 days left to run 100 km per month. I still have a long way to go, but I have to keep building up little by little.

Today’s pace was 6 minutes and 31 seconds per kilometer, according to my running watch. Compared to when I used to run on the road, my pace has increased by almost a minute per kilometer.

I was surprised to see how different it is on the school grounds where I can just focus on running, as opposed to on the road where there are bumps and cars coming and going. It’s not much of a burden, but on the road, there is a slight difference in elevation.

In an actual marathon, this difference in elevation can be quite a burden. Aside from extreme cases such as the last 2 km of the Fukuroi Crown Melon Marathon, which is an uphill run from Aino Station to Ecopa Stadium, the first 10 km or more of the Chitose Marathon is also an uphill course.

However, the ups and downs that appear in the course after that are much harder than the uphill in the first 10 km. I guess it’s because of the physical exhaustion.

This morning’s editorial in the Tokyo Shimbun is titled “Injustice is growing, too: thoughts at the beginning of the year. This morning’s editorial is titled “Thinking at the Beginning of the Year,” and it begins with a quote from Petr Pitkhardt, former prime minister of the Czech Republic and deputy speaker of the Senate at the time, who told the author in the summer of 1999: “If only a few people are wise, the rest of us will be. Only a few are smart enough to get rich, while the rest are left behind,” he continued.

The editorial goes on to say. In the two world wars, steel, aircraft and chemical manufacturers made huge profits from the military.

In the two world wars, steel, aircraft, and chemical manufacturers made huge profits from the military. And now, as we all know, giant IT companies, led by GAFA, are literally making huge profits.

According to the critic Takuro Morimoto, the assets held by the 26 richest people in the world are at the same level as the assets held by half of the world’s population.

It is not surprising that there are differences in income and assets. It is natural that there are differences in income and assets, just as there is no way that all people have the same amount of money in their savings accounts. However, I feel that the disparity that is occurring in the world today is beyond the level of maintaining a healthy society.

We all want to be rich, of course. It is also natural for people to be selfish. However, if we all continue to run with the mindset of “just for now, just for money, just for me,” the only thing that awaits us is violence.

The meaning of the existence of society is to prevent such human stupidity from getting out of control. Am I the only one who feels that the limits of the capitalist system are becoming dimly visible?

Capitalism is the worst system. “Capitalism is the worst system, except for all the other systems. I think the subject of this phrase was actually democracy, not capitalism, but I don’t think it would be wrong to replace it.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


■20210103(日曜日:晴れ) Light and Shadow



早速休憩室のテレビを見てみると箱根駅伝の10区の様子を放映していました。1位が創価大学、二位が駒澤大学ということで、 間違いなく創価大学が往路のリードを守って優勝するだろうと判断しシャワーを浴びて帰ることにしました。

しかし帰ってみてびっくり仰天。まさかまさかの駒澤大学の逆転優勝でした。本当に勝負事は下駄を履くまでわからないということです。 最後まで安心してはいけないし諦めてもいけないというのは勝負事のようです。

ゴルフの方は朝一番でスタートですので体を温める暇もなく前半はあっちへ行ったりこっちへ行ったりの四苦八苦でした。 でも楽しくプレイすることができたのは本当にありがたいことです。今年も一年無事に楽しくプレーできることを祈りました。

■さて今この作業をしているのは、元 Windows パソコンでしたがKona Linux をインストールして使用しています。安定していますし動作も機敏だからです。

このパソコンで青空文庫に収納してある著作権の切れた名作を読めないかと調べてみると、Linux用のaozora というアプリがありました。このアプリで文字を大きめにして太宰治の作品や山本周五郎の作品を楽しみ始めました。

Amazon の Fire タブレットで読むのが大きさ的には楽なのですが、残念ながら Android 系であるにも関わらず、 Amazon はこのアプリのインストールをできないようにしているようです。

誰でもが無料で楽しめるはずの青空文庫の収納作品も Amazon は有料で販売しています。ボランティアの皆さんの意思をある意味では無視する形で営業活動をしているわけです。

税金をほとんど払っていないとか、労働環境がブラックだとか、 Amazon に関してはいくつもの疑問点が指摘されています。



Light and Shadow

■Today I enjoyed my first round of golf in 2021. I played with my good friends Mr. Hisamatsu and Mr. and Mrs. Endo. Fortunately, there was almost no wind and it was a warm day for golf. We were able to play at the earliest start time of 7:39 a.m., so it was 1:00 in the afternoon when we finished playing.

As soon as I finished playing, I went to the rest room to watch the television, which was showing the 10th section of the Hakone Ekiden, with Soka University in first place and Komazawa University in second place, so I decided to take a shower and go home.

However, when I returned home, I was surprised to see that Komazawa University had won. You really don’t know the outcome of a game until you put on your geta. It’s like a game of chance that you can’t be relieved or give up until the end.

Since I was the first one to start, I didn’t have time to warm up and had a hard time going this way and that in the first half. However, I am very grateful that I was able to play happily. I prayed that we would be able to play safely and happily for another year.

■The computer I’m working on now is a former Windows PC, but I’ve installed Kona Linux on it and am using it. I’m using Kona Linux, which was formerly a Windows PC, because it’s stable and agile.

When I looked into the possibility of using this computer to read the copyright expired masterpieces stored in Aozora Bunko, I found an application called aozora for Linux. I found an app called aozora for Linux. With this app, I started to enjoy the works of Osamu Dazai and Shugoro Yamamoto by enlarging the text.

Reading on Amazon’s Fire tablet is easier in terms of size, but unfortunately, Amazon seems to have disabled the installation of this app, even though it is an Android-based app.

Amazon also sells the Aozora Bunko collection, which is supposed to be free for everyone to enjoy, for a fee. In a sense, Amazon is ignoring the will of the volunteers in their sales activities.

Many questions have been raised about Amazon, such as the fact that it pays almost no taxes and that its working environment is black.

The company’s founder, Jeff Bezos, is now the richest man in the world. There is no doubt that he has shown great talent as a manager, but it is also true that he has a number of problems that we cannot simply be jealous of.

This is one of the typical companies where the light and the shadow of globalization are coexisting.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


■20210102(土曜日:晴れ) The Hakone Ekiden



今日は小学校の校庭を35分間タイマーをかけて走りました。今日は新年第1回のランで8.33 km を走りました。月100 km 走までは残り29日で91.66 km となっています。







The Hakone Ekiden

This morning I did my first run of 2021. I set my alarm for 5:00 a.m. and woke up a little before the time, but the alarm woke me up and after some prep work, I started as usual.

Today I ran around the elementary school grounds for 35 minutes on a timer.Today was the first run of the new year and I ran 8.33 km, which means I have 91.66 km to run in the next 29 days to reach my monthly 100 km goal.

The Hakone Ekiden will be held today and tomorrow.It’s 7:32 a.m., and I’m planning to leave my work early and head to the TV to watch the race.

This time last year, I remember leaving the inn and walking to the crossing in front of Kowakuen. Last year we were able to get a hotel in Hakone.

On the first day, we saw the riders coming up the mountain, so we could watch them slowly as they were not going very fast, but on the second day, they were running downhill really fast.

Fortunately, it didn’t snow last year either, so I was able to enjoy watching the race with many other people despite the cold. Watching the race from in front of Kowakuen, up the road a bit toward Lake Ashinoko, I was able to see the competitors coming down the road in a straight line from far away on the second day.

When I watched Otemachi earlier on TV before the race started, there were hardly any spectators. The governor of Tokyo and other government officials have been calling for a stay-home for the Hakone Ekiden, so if the infection spreads, there is no way to recover from it.

The Tokyo Marathon has been postponed until the fall, and I think it would be more appropriate to cancel the Hakone Ekiden as well.However, NTV’s convenience was probably the biggest factor in forcing the relay race to be held. Considering the Yomiuri Shimbun’s intention to hold the Olympics at all costs, it is really troubling that the paper is calling for a stay-home, but in reality, it is putting profit first. This is the current situation in Japan.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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