■20210130(土曜日:晴れ) Run 10,000 kilometers




今朝は今月12回目のランで7.46 km を積み重ね、総計103.68 km となりました。目標の月100 km 走の達成です。エプソンのホームページに接続すると「目標達成おめでとうございます」と祝ってくれています。 これで2021年も無事に月100 km 走のスタートを切ることができました。


例えば今朝の場合、エプソンのランニング・ウォッチでは走行距離は7.46 km と出ているのですが、TATTAというランニングアプリでは、走行距離は8.7 km と記録されています。 このように両者の違いが1 km を超えることもあります。どちらが正しいのかは私にはもちろん分かりませんが、結構差が大きいのに驚きます。

したがって平均ペースの値もかなり違ってきます。エプソンのランニング・ウォッチでは km あたり6分29秒となっていますが、ランニング・アプリではキロ当たり5分31秒と出ています。 自分の中での正式記録としてはエプソンのランニング・ウォッチによる記録を残しています。

今月の走行距離を合わせると、2012年からランニング・ウォッチで記録を取り始めて以来の通算走行距離が1万キロを超えました。 我ながらよく積み重ねてきたものです。いつまで続けられるかはわかりませんが、続けることが元気の源でもありますので、より良い人生を歩むためにも続けて行こうと思っています。



Run 10,000 kilometers

■ I ran this morning. As usual, I woke up at 4:30, changed my clothes and left the door. At that moment, I felt that the cold weather was even stronger this morning. After the preparatory exercise, I started the usual course. I passed in front of my friend’s house, confirmed that the lights were on and there was no problem, and headed to the school playground.

This morning I set a timer to 30 minutes and started running in the schoolyard. I started feeling tired from the middle and felt it for 30 minutes, but I managed to finish running and left the schoolyard toward my house.

This morning, the 12th run of the month accumulated 7.46 km, for a total of 103.68 km. Achieving my goal of 100km a month. When I connected to the Epson homepage, a message “Congratulations on achieving my goal” appeared on the screen. With this, we were able to safely start the 100km / month run in 2021.

From this month, I installed a running app on my smartphone and started measuring with Epson running watch and double, but I’m not sure which one is correct, but there is a difference in mileage.

For example, this morning, Epson’s running watch shows a mileage of 7.46 km, but a running app called TATTA records a mileage of 8.7 km. In this way, the difference between the two can exceed 1 km. Of course I don’t know which one is correct, but I’m surprised that the difference is quite large.

Therefore, the average pace value will also be quite different. Epson’s running watch shows 6 minutes and 29 seconds per km, while the running app shows 5 minutes and 31 seconds per kilometer. As an official record in myself, I keep a record by Epson’s running watch.

Combined with this month’s mileage, the total mileage since starting a record with a running watch in 2012 has exceeded 10,000 kilometers. It is something that I have accumulated well. I don’t know how long I can continue, but it is also a source of energy, so I will continue to do so in order to lead a better life.

■ Well, I went home, washed my body with the remaining hot water from yesterday, and tried to refresh myself with a hot shower, but the water pipe was frozen and the hot water did not come out. This is the second freezing of water pipes this winter. The strength of the cold that I felt when I left the front door was not a mistake.

Even so, after running for nearly 50 minutes, my body temperature had risen and I didn’t feel strangely cold. I didn’t tremble in the cold while preparing breakfast. Running means that you are burning the energy in your body. You should lose weight.